Vyf van die beste maniere om jou tyd beter te verdryf in Matieland
CARLA VISAGIE, ALLISON MATROOS EN SZ MINNAAR Universiteit gaan oor veel meer as om graad te vang. Terwyl jy in Matieland is, moet jy probeer om jou bucket list af te handel en studenteverenigings is ’n uitstekende… read more
Luukse lepel-in-die-daksteek-lysie
HELÉNE LEONARD Matieland is enige student se droomland. Afgesien van die stereotipiese wynproe – Stellenbosch het tog van die lekkerste wyn – is daar vele ander liplekker aktiwiteite wat studente in hulle spaartyd en om die dorp… read more
How to make sure you are oppit with the current Stellies slang
LISA DE CLERCQ If you want to connect with someone you need to speak their language. Stellenbosch University students speak at least a semi-original slang. So, if you don’t want to miss out on all the spice… read more
SU lecture room manners
JADE KERCHHOFF Students typically arrive at their classroom venue already on edge. There is a laundry-list of possible reasons why (usually the fact that they have to be there in the first place) you don’t want to… read more
Connect through Vensters
Heléne Leonard Vensters is an annual event where thousands of first year Maties gather and put their various talents on display for the Stellenbosch community. Stellenbosch University (SU) residences and private student organisations (PSOs) collaborate to bring… read more
Come SPYS up your life
LISA DE CLERCQ With the year drawing to a close, the somewhat ‘crazy’ aspects of student life seem to increase with every assignment that is squeezed in. The Spirituality, Philosophy and Yoga Society (SPYS) of Stellenbosch University… read more
Focus on five things before finals
SAARAH ABRAHAMS We’re all guilty of having bad study habits, whether we’re aware of them or not. With the long dreaded final examslooming over us, it is time we evaluateexactly how to get rid of them. Or… read more
Everything Dreads for students on campus
JADE KERCHHOFF Everything Dreads is the name of an emerging business founded by second year BSc (Mathematical Sciences) student, Hamese Houston Thapelo, that renders the service of, yes, you guessed it, dreadlocks! Taught by a friend of… read more
MATIEMAATSOEK: A girl who wants to tame the peanutbutter moose
Got a crush? Write a letter and submit it to the Die Matie Office (Office 4, top floor, Neelsie) or submit it via e-mail and we’ll publish your letter – keeping your identity a secret. Your secret… read more
Multicultural festivities at fun Food Evening
MARIE MJACU The International Food Evening hosted by Stellenbosch University (SU) International was a festive and colourful evening full of tasty food and vibrant people. The event, which happens once a semester, is designed to allow international… read more
Rum the Fox: Nuwe vos loop in die Bosch
HELÉNE LEONARD Die nuutste studentebesigheid, Rum the Fox, is ontwikkel deur twee Matie-studente, Clara Holm, ’n BSc-student, en Megan Muller, ’n BRek-student. Die twee studente het met dié nuwe minimalistiese klere-ontwerpbesigheid vorendag gekom nadat hulle ’n hemp… read more
MatieMaatSoek is here!
Roses are red Violets are Blue Write your (future) significant other a letter And we’ll publish it for you! #matiemaatsoek #matesearch #findlove #diematie read more
Style Indaba’s work on a blank canvas
Elodi Troskie The honour of featuring on Style Indaba’s Instagram page is not one that has been bestowed on everyone, since only the best is good enough for their more than 1 500 followers. The fashion-forward curators… read more
Campus Closet: Cheese & Wine Festival
Floral prints were all the rage at this year’s annual Cheese and Wine festival, and all the cool kids were seen sporting sunglass straps. Experimenting was definitely in style with some sleek all-white ensembles standing out from the crowd.… read more
Koshuiskos op Instagram
Kara van der Berg “Met sout en liefde. Spiekerish resepte vir studente.” Só lees Koshuiskos, ’n nuwe kosblog, se Instagram bio. Elke koshuisstudent het al moeg geraak vir die bespreekte etes in die koshuis. Vir die gemiddelde… read more
BRAhSSE: Finessing the system
What do you get when friends come together to “lam” in trust and a shared heritage? A clothing range that seeks to start conversations and “break the norms of modern society through heritage”, naturally. Say hello to… read more
Lief vir Liewer
Suretha Swart “Die liefde is ‘n vreemde ding. Dit bestaan net as jy daarin glo.” Liewer is ’n aangrypende verhaal oor die ongewone deel van liefde. Hiérdie toneelstuk bevat vier mense, twee moderne paartjies van verskillende ouderdomme… read more
Deon Meyer en Ray Kluun gesels oor hulle lewens
Jana Greyling Deon Meyer en Ray Kluun, twee van Suid-Afrika se gunsteling skrywers, het by die ATKV-Boektent met Kirby van der Merwe oor hulle sukses en lewens as skrywers gesels. Meyer is veral bekend vir sy Bennie… read more
Happening in the tent next to Wilgenhof
Jana Greyling This year’s Woordfees kicked of at Bloekomhoek with two performances by bands that started out in Wilgenhof. Wilgenhof’s own jazz band, Kwod Roaches, was the first to performs. They treated the audience with their smooth… read more
Film review: Black Panther
Dané Dooge & Gene Hlatshwayo Director: Ryan Coogler Running time: 134 minutes Genre: Action Age restriction: 12 If you are a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), you will note, without a doubt, that Black Panther surpasses all expectations when… read more