But first look at first aid
LISA DE CLERCQ THIRD-YEAR philosophy students and volunteer teachers of first-aid are usually not birds of a feather. Although the ability to convey medical knowledge is not in any way correlated to, or a causation of studying… read more
Kampus Quotes
“At this point, if I got hit by a car, I’d ask the driver to not call the ambulance.”– Stressed BA-student “Hy is sò kort, hy moet op ’n stoeltjie staan om in sy neuste krap.” –… read more
Campus Closet: A grand affair at graduation
Linné du Preez went out and about to report on some of the trending outfits at this year’s graduation. Elrie Golach captured these stunning moments on camera. OH SO STYLISH SIMPLE but so stylish. Hannah Edwards looked… read more
Bly warm gedurende die winter
YSIGE WINTER NET OM DIE DRAAI Heléne Leonard maak haarself gereed vir die winter en hou haarself besig met ’n lekker warm koppie koffie in die hand. DESLENE PRINS Winter is op pad en saam met winter… read more
A guide to graduation
ANNERINE SNYMAN Graduation can be quite nerve-wracking for first-time graduates because its more than just the dean of your faculty putting a sash over your shoulders and receiving a piece of paper. So, if you are feeling… read more
What to look forward to in terrible term two
CARLA VISAGIE The second term is synonymous with a month-long exam season. However, spending quality time with your books doesn’t need to be your only option. Here is a list of seven events to look forward to… read more
Just because the power is down doesn’t mean you have to be
ERIN WALLS Load shedding is among us and it’s easy to be negative, however, with good preparation, you can minimise how much it affects you. With seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel for a… read more
Out of your Classes and Into the Kitchen
WILLOW-RUBY VAN DER BERG Many people are complaining about this holiday because it cannot really qualify as one, owing to the fact that most people have tests and assignments due for the first week of the second… read more
How to do Recess like a pro
ELRIE GOLACH It’s been a long wait since classes started, but at last – recess is here! Although the light is shining bright at the end of this short (yet busy) first term tunnel, the light for… read more
BOOK REVIEW: Between Rock and a Hard Place
MARIE MJACU CARSTEN RASCH’S memoir Between Rock and a Hard Place, is a rollercoaster in every sense of the word. His story takes readers on a journey in South Africa during apartheid, through the eyes of a young, usually broke, and often times… read more
Healthy Living Starts With You
TAKING HEALTHY LIVING TO NEW HEIGHTS Henry Le Roux, founder of Organic Calories, makes eating healthy look easy. Henry Le Roux, the lifestyle manager of @orgca, gives healthy, cheap food recipes for students AVO BOWL… read more
Wakker skrik ná Woordfees
WOORDFEES IS VERBY Ongelukkig roep die studieboeke al die feeskatte terug na realiteit toe. Toetsweek is ook om die draai en die opvang werk lê soo ’n donker wolk oor studente. GITA FOURIE Daar was seker… read more
Kampus Quotes
“I hate all people, except all the people I don’t hate.” – Honours student working on her personal brand “Just because he has a PhD doesn’t mean he can teach.” – Complaining final-year student “I love the… read more
Doen vakansie soos ’n ‘pro’
WEES RUTIG DIE VAKANSIE Die Maart-vakansie is om die draai en ’n welverdiende rus is in orde. ELRIE GOLACH DIE mees gekoesterde tyd waarvoor studente wag al vandat klasse begin het, het aangebreek. Dit is resestyd!… read more
Die week wat jou gaan toets
BA-TOETSWEEK Al het die Ingeneurswese en BRek-studente ’n toets- week, het alle studente wel ook toetse. Christina Eloff vind dit vreemd dat al diegene wat ’n toetsweek het so groot probleem maak daarvan. LISA DE CLERCQ… read more
Adam&Eve blaas almal weg by Trumpet Tree
ANNERI COETZEE EN DANÉ DOOGE Verlede week, by Trumpet Tree in Dorpstraat, was die gehoor en beoordelaars behoorlik beïndruk met Adam&Eve se ambassadeurs-modeparade. Adam&Eve is ʼn klerereeks waarvan dié spesifieke klere, wat verskillende make behels, slegs in Trumpet… read more
To Woordfees or not to Woordfees?
Elrie Golach asked what students’ thoughts are on Woordfees. Masake Maleka BA (Humanities) “Last year I had to attend Woordfees for my Afrikaans class. It was quite informative in the sense that I had to analyse how short films are made,… read more
The new Campus Culture
KATHRYN VAN DER BERG There’s a new publication on campus – an online magazine. Campus Culture publishes articles written by students that explore, criticise and promote life on campus. It promotes student affairs and the general culture… read more
Memes: mean or not
DESLENE PRINS In the dawn of the ever evolving smartphone, we find that social interactions have shifted from being face-to-face to occurring on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The whole point of a… read more
#-Trends that made their mark
LAUREN WESLEY-SMITH Since the first use of a hashtag in 2007, this symbol has become synonymous with the trends of the world, ranging from memes (humorous images, videos, and texts which are varied and spread throughout the… read more