A day in the life of a lecturer
ZAHLÉ ELOFF LECTURES can be quite tedious some days. Especially those 08:00. classes after a long night – be it from jolling, studying, or simply binge watching. The lectures late in the afternoon aren’t any more appealing.… read more
Tsunami in the Neelsie
KESIA ABRAHAMS Have you got some old books at home collecting dust on the shelf? Why not give them a brand new home through the Stellenbosch University (SU) Language Centre’s book drive: Book Tsunamis. SU’s Language Centre… read more
No progress for this student organisation
BRYNLEY VAN AARDT Progress SA, a liberal student movement that started at the University of Cape Town (UCT), made their mark at Stellenbosch University (SU) on Monday morning by putting up posters around campus which have since… read more
Skitter met ’n klein begroting
CATHARINA VAN DER MESCHT Dis tyd om jou dansskoene af te stof, huisdansseisoen is hier. Daar was nog nooit ʼn beter tyd om jouself te bederf nie. Ongelukkig is die studente-stryd ’n werklikheid, want die begroting knyp… read more
Almal is deur die weer
LISA DE CLERCQ Jy stel jou wekker vir 7:00 die oggend, maar wanneer dit jou wakker lui, is dit buite nog steeds pikdonker. Jy stap dan klas toe en al waaraan jy kan dink, is dat Victoriastraat… read more
Coffee with a little luck
RACHELE BUTTON Stellenbosch students returning from their vacations may have noticed a brand-new mobile coffee shop on one of Stellenbosch’s most busy residential streets. Customers arriving at the Lucky Dice coffee trailer are greeted by the friendly… read more
Maak Huisdans goedkoop
LISA DE CLERCQ Met die eksamen en vakansie agter die rug en Silly Season in volle swang, is Junie se slagspreuk “Hoe gaan die studies?” met “huisdans” vervang. Hierdie glansryke funksie wat deur koshuise en PSO’s aangebied word, vind… read more
Let’s be silly serious
ZAHLÉ ELOFF While it is the season that swoops many up into the whirlwind of craziness, others are buckling down and becoming silly serious about their academic success. Joining in on all the fun is a part… read more
The ‘golden week’ workers
CARLA VISAGIE For a lot of students, the third term is synonymous with House dances, fun and partying, but staff at late night restaurants, cafés and fast food outlets often find it challenging to do their job… read more
Maties se eie mej. SA
AMBER PAYNTER Vanaf Stellenbosch se strate tot die glansryke skoonheidskompetisie-leefstyl, is Eloïse van der Westhuizen se kinderdrome om aan mej. Suid-Afrika (SA) deel te neem, verwesenlik. As ’n oud-Matie, is Van der Westhuizen bekend met die studentelewe,… read more
Seven reasons to seize Silly Season
CARLA VISAGIE There are many speculations as to why the third term is known as “Silly Season”, but without a doubt this is one of the best times of the year to call yourself a student at… read more
How to handle major exam loads
ANNERI COETZEE Officially kicking off next week Tuesday, the first round of exams for Maties are here. Some students are more prepared than others. So, what does one do when you have forty-five chapters to memorize and… read more
Coffee or Cough-E: where to get your fix for the exams
MIKE WRIGHT Coffee is contentious and preferences vary wildly from friend to friend. Coffee shops can become popular due to multiple reasons, from having an alluring ambiance for dates, workspaces for studying, food options to pair with… read more
Só maak jy die meeste van jou breektyd
CARLA VISAGIE Met die komende eksamens is dit maklik om in ’n roetine van eet, slaap en leer te verval, maar dit is belangrik om steeds tyd vir ontspanning in te ruim. Hier is ’n paar maniere… read more
Kampus pick-up lines
“Kissing burns 6,4 calories a minute. You want to work out?” “On a scale from 1 to America, how free are you this weekend?” “You are so fine, I would drink your bath water.” “I lost my… read more
Bier vir die eksamenstres
Die eksamen is om die draai en studente moet oppas om nie te veel te leer nie. Annelize Visser het van die lekkerste kuierplekke besoek en ’n kaart geskets. read more
Hoe om predikaatskok te oorwin
NICOLE NASSON Hoërskool was ’n vulletjie. Agt salige ure van non-stopkonsentrasie elke dag, vyf dae ’n week. Daai was die dae toe jy skaars ooit moes deurnag en voor jy ’n kafeïen-verslaafde was. Nou is negeuur klasse gans… read more
A’s with Aces
JANA GOOSEN Aces Tutoring started off as a small business with a website that “looked like it was put to-gether by a preschooler”, according to founder Paul Roux. Today, however, it has twenty-five tutors, mostly third year… read more
Shine bright like a diamond
AMBER PAYNTER As Marilyn Monroe would say, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” but for those of us on a tight student budget, we can’t even imagine buying high-end jewellery. Making all of our jewellery dreams a… read more
A (mom)umental guide to Mother’s Day
NICOLE NASSON It’s that time of year again, folks: Mother’s Day. The annual day put aside to celebrate our maternal figures. It’s the one day in the year when our efforts to make our mom’s feel special… read more