• Take a Hike! In Stellenbosch

    Take a Hike! In Stellenbosch

    BY TOM LEE The small town of Stellenbosch is known for being a hub of constant activity, hustle and bustle and the occasional outing to the local pub or club. What most people don’t know, however, is… read more

  • The buzz in the bos

    The buzz in the bos

    BY JEAN-MARIE UYS THOSE who have been in Stellenbosch long enough might have known the space above De Akker as Hank’s Whiskey Bar. The Loft Events and Co. (better known as The Loft) is, however, the new… read more

  • Campus closet: How to dress like a student

    Campus closet: How to dress like a student

    Mia van der Merwe has provided some tips and tricks to help you dress more like a Stellebosch student THE 90S ARE BACK THIS outfit has a 90s inspired feeling to it. A pair of blue mom… read more

  • Please don’t pet a peeve

    Please don’t pet a peeve

    BY ZAHLE ELOFF When some students start their first year at Stellenbosch University (SU) they want to know the do’s and don’ts to help them get through their studies smoothly. However, the don’ts in terms of what… read more

  • Geen Opskop, geen probleem

    Geen Opskop, geen probleem

    BY GABRIELA VILJOEN Is jou vellies uitgehonger vir ’n lekker sokkie, maar jou gemoed gaan dit nie maak om nóg ’n aand Catwalk se klein, deurmekaar sokkie-dansvloer aan te pak nie? Moenie vrees nie, ons het net… read more

  • Matie vertel storie van die groot K

    Matie vertel storie van die groot K

    Carla Visagie het gesels met die Matie-alumna en kranige aktrise Carla Smith wat oor die afgelope 13 weke kykers se hartsnare geroer het in die kykNET-reeks Tydelik Terminaal. As jy die dinamiese donkerkop Carla Smith op die… read more

  • Find your own cause

    Find your own cause

    BY JAMES SMITH There are many projects and programmes taking place in and around Stellenbosch that enable students to make a difference in their community. From teaching children to read, to planting trees for climate change and… read more

  • Surviving O-Week

    Surviving O-Week

    BY DOMINIQUE VERSTER Let’s face it ‒ as first years, we all get caught up in anticipation of O-week. Whether this be through excitement or angst, our minds are preoccupied with what is to come and how… read more

  • Barking up the right tree

    Barking up the right tree

    BY GABRIELA VILJOEN Jacobus King and Theunis Raubenheimer, both third-year Industrial Engineering students, are combatting mental health and students’ empty pockets with their innovative app prototype, Dogger: A dog walking app for students. They entered Dogger as… read more

  • Amano: one for the books

    Amano: one for the books

    Willow-Ruby van der Berg spoke to James Smith about his business, Amano, which makes appealing and affordable environmentally-friendly notebooks. Eco-anxiety is starting to take over our lives with the majority of the news that we consume featuring… read more

  • Entrepreneurs engage in Conscious Consumerism

    Entrepreneurs engage in Conscious Consumerism

    BY REBECCA PITT IT takes 2,700 litres of water to make your most preferred H&M T-shirt. Fast fashion is nothing new – yet we turn a blind eye because fast fashion remains easy, simple and affordable. As… read more

  • As dit broekskeur gaan

    As dit broekskeur gaan

    DEUR MARYNA ADSHADE  ’n NUWE lid, Custom Alterations, het onlangs by die Neelsie-fami­lie aangesluit. Hierdie versteekte juweel kan op die onderste vloer van die Neelsie, om die draai langs Hutmakers, gevind word. Dit is nie moeilik om… read more

  • How to prevent burnout

    How to prevent burnout

    BY DOMINIQUE VERSTER With exam season looming ahead, the average student tends to regress into a state of neglect: one that includes copious amounts of coffee and long, sleepless nights. This is, however, a foolproof recipe for… read more

  • The Art of Self Defense

    The Art of Self Defense

    Directed by: Riley Stearns Starring: Jesse Eisenberg Rating: 1.5/4 Stars BY ARRIERINGSTINGABABYWOMANMANINSTAARRIEHOHOSNACKSHOHO Jesse Eisenberg is fast becoming one of the best actors in Hollywood today, but star­ring in Riley Stearns’ The Art of Self-Defense will be a… read more

  • Goggas in die bib

    Goggas in die bib

    DOMINIQUE VERSTER *Vertaal deur Dominique Fuchs  Patogene in algemene areas soos biblioteke en badkam­ers ontlok gereeld kommer onder die publiek. Dit is veral die geval tydens die eksamenseisoen wanneer honderde Maties in die bib saamdrom en hulle… read more

  • Your Guide to Guide Dogs

    Your Guide to Guide Dogs

    CHRISTOPHER JOUBERT Stellenbosch is home to some of the goodest and hardest working boys and girls out there. We’ve all been baffled at how these boys and girls resist the urge to chase the hundreds of squirrels… read more

  • Wake Up And Smell The Daisies

    Wake Up And Smell The Daisies

    ERIN WALLS It is that time of year again, where exams are fast approaching but so is festival season. With both Rocking the Daisies and Smalltown Beat occurring on the same weekend, it will be the only… read more

  • Die Appel van my Oog

    Die Appel van my Oog

    MARYNA ADSHADE Dit is geen geheim dat iPhones en ander Apple-produkte van die duurste op die mark is nie, maar ten spyte van die prys (oftewel, finansiële skade aangerig aan die koper) spog dié appel-ikoon agterop toestelle… read more

  • Stellenbosch in the Fashion Industry

    Stellenbosch in the Fashion Industry

    Alexander Brand Stellenbosch University (SU) has never failed to provide some much-needed culture to the everyday lives of its students. When speaking about culture one can’t help but include fashion. So we had a look at a… read more

  • It Takes 60 Seconds To Change 60 Cycles

    It Takes 60 Seconds To Change 60 Cycles

    Mia van der Merwe By now, almost everyone would have seen the purple scrunchies and ribbons adorning the bags, ponytails, and necks of those on the Stellenbosch University (US) campus. These eye-catching accessories were bound to raise… read more