A year in the life of a pandemic survivor
By Flavia Davids Milowo Njinge, a second-year Theology student at Stellenbosch University (SU), witnessed Stellenbosch’s transition from a vibrant hub into a near ghost town in March last year as a first-year student. Like many 2020 first-years,… read more
BY MICHELLE KLEYNHANS Crumbling under the pressure of online learning? Trust me, you are not alone. As the November examinations start to loom, staying on track and on top of one’s work can be extremely exhausting and… read more
BY SIBELLA SWANEPOEL Call Me by Your Name Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9AYPxH5NTM A literary masterpiece transformed into a visual masterpiece, Call Me by Your Name is an intimate love story between Elio, a 17-year-old living in Italy, and Oliver,… read more
DEUR MART-MARIE SERFONTEIN Toe Lumé Venter drie jaar gelede Bicycle Girl Clothing (@bicyclegirlclothing)op Instagram begin het, sou sy nooit kon raai dat sy in 2020 haar tweedehandse klere aanlyn besigheid uit ’n winkel in Dorpstraat sou bedryf… read more
Professor Arnold Schoonwinkel, Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Vice-Rector of Learning and Teaching, recently announced that learning facilitation and assessments will remain mostly online for the rest of the academic year. It must be acknowledged that everyone individuals are… read more
Stop en ruik die braavleisvure (met ’n masker op)
DEUR CARLA VISAGIE Erfenisdag is ’n manier vir Suid-Afrikaners om die land se ryk diversiteit en unieke kulture te vier. Hier is vyf maniere om jou Erfenisdag in die Eikestad te vier: Roer jou hartsnare met die… read more
Wisaarkhu: Where mathematics meets psychology
BY KARLA VAN DER MERWE Wisaarkhu is a recently established magazine on the psychology of abstract mathematics founded by Dr Sophie Marques, a lecturer at Stellenbosch University’s Department of Mathematics. On the magazine’s website, Marques defines the… read more
Virtual Pride Month
BY LESEDI MNISI Pride month is usually a time filled with gatherings, parades and other celebrations for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, however these types of celebrations have been made impossible due to the national, and international,… read more
Matie van “Maak My Famous” kies studies bo beroemdheid
DEUR WILLIAM SEZOE Rodney Goliath (19), eerstejaar BA (Drama en Teaterstudie)-student aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), het onlangs aan die bekende “Maak My Famous”-talentkompetisie, wat weekliks op die DStv-kanale kykNET en kykNET & kie uitgesaai word, deelgeneem.… read more
A Quiet Place
BY MART-MARIE SERFONTEIN & GABRIELA VILJOEN The buzz of students outside the Van Der Sterr Building, people drinking their morning coffee on the steps of the bib, chilling in the sun on the Rooiplein. It’s the small… read more
Ten Series to Binge during Lockdown
BY KIRSTY BUCHOLZ With the current lockdown in South Africa, everyone has been forced to take a step back and slow down our normally fast-paced lives. If you’re at a loss for a new series to start… read more
Ten must-play games during the lockdown
BY MARYNA ADSHADE The current COVID-19 lockdown has had a pronounced influence on the everyday lives of South Africans’ and can be quite daunting or anxiety-provoking for many. Many recreational activities and forms of entertainment we previously… read more
SPYS and EcoMaties tackles pollution
BY WESSEL KRIGE There has never been a topic that has caused as much day-drinking and panic as Climate Change. In a world where young people are constantly confronted by the end of days, two Matie societies… read more
Die Tom-vereniging
TOM Janisch en Tom Grubb het onlangs talle studente se koppe laat draai toe hulle op die Rooiplein naamgenote gesoek het om by hul Tom-vereniging aan te sluit. Janisch vertel dat hy en Grubb verlede jaar in… read more
Fashion on a budget
Thrifting has become a major trend, especially among younger generations, who often prefer a unique, pre-loved item to mass-produced clothing. We have already shown you the best thrift shops in Stellies in our previous edition (see Die Matie of… read more
Stellenbosch: the thrifter’s Dreamland
BY ALEXANDER BRAND AND JEAN-MARIE UYS STELLENBOSCH is a true haven for thrifters. If you open your heart and mind to a few items of preloved clothing, you’ll be hard-pressed to justify buying expensive clothes ever again.… read more
Ysterkoei kan jou iets leer
BY WILLOW-RUBY VAN DER BERG Danksê Wadda Du Toit, MIng (Megatronies), se besigheid Ysterkoei hang ’n hele paar studente se jeans nie meer op hulle knieë nie. Hy maak stylvolle handgemaakte belde en is ook die persoon… read more
Take a Hike! In Stellenbosch
BY TOM LEE The small town of Stellenbosch is known for being a hub of constant activity, hustle and bustle and the occasional outing to the local pub or club. What most people don’t know, however, is… read more
The buzz in the bos
BY JEAN-MARIE UYS THOSE who have been in Stellenbosch long enough might have known the space above De Akker as Hank’s Whiskey Bar. The Loft Events and Co. (better known as The Loft) is, however, the new… read more
Campus closet: How to dress like a student
Mia van der Merwe has provided some tips and tricks to help you dress more like a Stellebosch student THE 90S ARE BACK THIS outfit has a 90s inspired feeling to it. A pair of blue mom… read more