• Series for Your Study Break

    Series for Your Study Break

    BY MARDENE VAN SCHALKWYK As the end of the year draws near, so does the next exam season. Many dedicated students have already gotten into a groove with their study schedules, and Die Matie is here to… read more

  • Stellenbosch Blom in die Lenteseisoen

    Stellenbosch Blom in die Lenteseisoen

    DEUR KARLA DE BOD Soos die lenteseisoen vir Stellenbosch met nuwe bloeisels groet, groet die studentedorp se bloemiste terug met romantiek, kreatiwiteit en ’n opgewondenheid om te skep.  Die Matie het met ’n wip in die stap… read more

  • Reënwolf Besluit op Vir Ewig

    Reënwolf Besluit op Vir Ewig

    DEUR MIA VAN DER MERWE Danie du Toit, hoofsanger van die musiekgroep Spoegwolf, en Melissa Bradshaw, wat tans haar PhD in sielkunde aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) voltooi, het op 20 Augustus via Instagram, op Du Toit… read more

  • Ranyaka CoCreate Hub

    Ranyaka CoCreate Hub

    BY MART-MARIÉ SERFONTEIN The corner on lower Victoria Street, next to Die Mystic Boer, looks a little different. Where students and residents of Stellenbosch were once used to seeing an old structure standing vacant, frequently with a… read more

  • Bucketlist Stellenbosch—Building Bonds

    Bucketlist Stellenbosch—Building Bonds

    BY LUCAS MEYER Stellenbosch’s newest conquest, Bucketlist Stellenbosch (@bucketlist_stellies), has been a hot topic amongst students since the start of the semester. This rumoured-to-be brother and sister duo, as confirmed by Ravell Frans, a second-year BDiv student,… read more

  • VacciNATION or VacciNAYtion? Asking students how they feel about getting the COVID-19 jab

    VacciNATION or VacciNAYtion? Asking students how they feel about getting the COVID-19 jab

    BY ILA ALBERTS Die Matie asked students around campus how they felt about the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as the government’s vaccination programme. These were their responses.  Francois van Wyk, eerstejaar-BCom (Bestuurswetenskappe)-student. Nie ingeënt nie. “Ek voel… read more

  • The Benefits of Journaling

    The Benefits of Journaling

    BY KERSTIN LEE There are many reasons to write in a journal. Journaling need not be rational, pretty or coherent. It just needs to be your pen on paper, and your slew of thoughts. As exams at… read more

  • Professor Jansen’s Latest Book: a Guiding Light for Students

    Professor Jansen’s Latest Book: a Guiding Light for Students

    BY CARMEN COETSEE Professor Jonathan Jansen is an esteemed academic persona; not only in the South African academic context, but also on the international academic scene. Jansen has won numerous awards, including the Education Africa Lifetime Achiever… read more

  • Breakfast Beneath the Oak Trees

    Breakfast Beneath the Oak Trees

    BY KARLA DE BOD Stellenbosch’s breakfast scene caters to everyone, whether you are a picky eater, have a sweet tooth, or simply a breakfast-for-dinner type of person. However, the endless breakfast possibilities make the decision of where… read more

  • “Ek KAN lees”-projek Verskuif Grense

    “Ek KAN lees”-projek Verskuif Grense

    DEUR WILLIAM SEZOE Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se Fakulteit Opvoedkunde doen al vir die afgelope vier jaar die geletterdheidsprojek “Ek KAN lees”. Dié projek maak ’n verskil deur sowat 360 skoliere van drie skole in die Stellenbosch-omgewing… read more

  • Juvenate Conscious Eatery Debuts on Dorp Street

    Juvenate Conscious Eatery Debuts on Dorp Street

    BY JEAN-MARIE UYS Juvenate Conscious Eatery joined Dorp Street’s food scene two weeks ago, on 19 May.  Chanel Carstens, the owner and driving force behind Juvenate, hopes to encourage conscious healthy lifestyles and engagement with the environment… read more

  • Danie du Toit Vertel Poësiestories

    Danie du Toit Vertel Poësiestories

    DEUR KARLA DE BOD Met ’n glas Chenin blanc en ’n hamburger, wat net beskryf kan word as hemel binne in ’n knoffelbroodrolletjie, het Spoegwolf- en poësieliefhebbers op Maandag 24 Mei by Drum Restaurant na Danie du… read more

  • We All Scream for Ice Cream

    We All Scream for Ice Cream

    BY MIA VAN DER MERWE Gelato Mania Gelato Mania has not been in Stellenbosch for long, but it is certainly making an impact.  The store sells real Italian made gelato with no added preservatives, gelatin, alcohol or… read more

  • Mental Health, Online Learning and COVID-19

    Mental Health, Online Learning and COVID-19

    BY KARLA DE BOD Repetitive days and endless nights form a recipe that affects the mental welfare of students. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only taken its toll on students’ physical health, but their mental health as… read more

  • Student Candle Shop Sparks Flame

    Student Candle Shop Sparks Flame

    BY TIAAN BOOYENS A local sister duo turned a candle-making hobby into a business. Marisol Candles is a student-owned candle business that aims to celebrate and represent their diverse customers through their products. They have amassed over… read more

  • Anker maak opslae in Afrikaans

    Anker maak opslae in Afrikaans

    DEUR DOMINIQUE FUCHS Dr Willem Anker het al verskeie boeke en dramas gepubliseer wat groot opslae in die Suid-Afrikaanse letterkunde gemaak het. Sy nuutste roman Skepsel het die gesogte Universiteit van Johannesburg (UJ)-prys gewen. Dit is die… read more

  • Your guide to unexplored Stellies nightlife

    Your guide to unexplored Stellies nightlife

    By Skyler Hendricks  With the influx of Stellenbosch University (SU) students returning to campus, it has become a tricky venture to plan a fun night out. Due to COVID-19 regulations, some of the most popular pubs and… read more

  • Adapt or go under: running a student business during the pandemic

    Adapt or go under: running a student business during the pandemic

    By Mardene van Schalkwyk The past year has been challenging, but Stellenbosch University (SU) student entrepreneurs have proven their resilience. Jacobina Kalunduka, a third-year BAcc student, and Katja Marsiglia, a second-year BA (Visual Arts) student, are two… read more



    By Marianne Stewart The act of sourcing pre-loved garments has become a major trend in the last few years. Students mainly turn to thrifting because it is an affordable way for them to create a unique look… read more