• Campus Closet: Men’s Edition

    Campus Closet: Men’s Edition

    We don’t give men nearly enough credit for putting together a stylish outfit and looking good from Monday to Friday. Bringing back the retro trend definitely deserves bonus points. Janique Oliver gave them their due, so you can… read more

  • Spoegwolf-drummer speel nou in Drum-kombuis

    Spoegwolf-drummer speel nou in Drum-kombuis

    Elodi Troskie Twee van die bekende Spoegwolwe is deesdae op ’n ander verhoog aan die werskaf. Du-Toit-broers Danie en Moskou, onderskeidelik hoofsanger en dromspeler van die Afrikaanse band, Spoegwolf, het onlangs hul fynproewersrestaurant in Stellenbosch oopgemaak en… read more

  • Instagram-profile of the week: The Pretty Blog

    Instagram-profile of the week: The Pretty Blog

    Wianda Gilliland The name says it all – The Pretty Blog’s Instagram is filled with all things pretty. Based in Stellenbosch, this Instagram account has over 80 thousand followers and more than 4000 posts. And every picture is absolute goals. The popular lifestyle and… read more

  • Campus Closet: beat the heat in Stellies

    Campus Closet: beat the heat in Stellies

    Surviving the heat whilst looking stylish can be a challenge, but don’t let it defeat you. Though we expected to see a lot more plakkies, some guys just can’t let go of their favourite kicks. All’s well since… read more

  • Woordelys vir Maties

    Woordelys vir Maties

    Annerine Snyman bib∙li∙o∙teek´ (ook bib) Die enigste kuierplek wat jou gewete tydens die eksamen sal sus. brazens As iemand hierna verwys as “Happy Oak”, is hulle waarskynlik nog nie langer as twee jaar op Stellenbosch nie. COB (vergelyk met… read more

  • How to: Survive on only microwave meals

    How to: Survive on only microwave meals

    Wianda Gilliland One of the most terrifying questions you ask yourself long before your first year starts is: “What am I going to eat?” And then there’s the classic: “How am I supposed to make my own food?” Fear not, new Maties,… read more

  • How to: Deal with a roommate

    How to: Deal with a roommate

    Lisa De Clercq While for some first years the idea of having a roommate can be quite exciting, others may find it terrifying. Here are a few tips on being a good roommate (or surviving a bad one). Sleeping habits While… read more

  • Your coffee culture starterpack

    Your coffee culture starterpack

    At university you will quickly learn that caffeine plays an important role in getting through those 8AM classes,  surviving the long nights before an assignment is due and of course, having quick coffee dates in the Neelsie in between… read more

  • How to: Make your res a home away from home

    How to: Make your res a home away from home

    Living on campus calls for immediate independence. At first the idea can be thrilling, but at the same time it can be overwhelming. There is no place like home, but with a few tricks your residence room can… read more

  • Rocking the right way: tips from experienced rockers

    Rocking the right way: tips from experienced rockers

    Wianda Gilliland Spring has sprung and the daisies are about to rock. Each year students from all over the country flock to the Darling-based music festival, Rocking the Daisies, which is famous for great fashion, better music… read more

  • ’n Dag deur die oë van ’n dosent

    ’n Dag deur die oë van ’n dosent

    Of jy hul klasse interessant of vervelig vind en of jy hulle vir pred of 75% smeek, dosente speel ‘n belangrike rol in jou tyd as student. Dané Dooge het met ‘n paar dosente gaan gesels. Prof. Geo Quinot… read more

  • Campus closet: Dosente met styl

    Campus closet: Dosente met styl

    Jy dink nog jy het ’n paar cool uitrustings in jou kas, maar Dané Dooge het dié kiekies gaan neem as bewyse dat ons universiteit se dosente beter styl het as jy. Sy het elke dosent gevra om… read more

  • The world meets Stellenbosch

    The world meets Stellenbosch

    The number of international students on the Stellenbosch University campus is as high as ever. Jana Greyling asked these students how their campus lives in Stellenbosch are different from those at home. Dario Siegen, Switzerland, Media &… read more

  • Our nickname is Maties, but what does it mean?

    Our nickname is Maties, but what does it mean?

    Elze Goosen There are multiple theories about our nickname, Maties. The two most well-known being the following: We became known as Maties because of the maroon tops that our rugby players wore which, to our rivalries, made… read more

  • Dis ‘n soet besigheid

    Dis ‘n soet besigheid

    Lisa de Clercq Of dit nou fietsry, visvang of braai is, ’n mens kan baie dinge by jou pa leer terwyl jy grootword. Marcos Jordaan, tans honneursstudent in Bestuursrekeningkunde by Maties, het by sy pa geleer om… read more

  • Fresh kicks

    Fresh kicks

    Tess Vengadajellum A night spent in the Square doesn’t have to mean the end of your favourite pair of white sneakers anymore. The Sneaker Bar, which is a business started by two students based at the University of… read more