An international view on SU: Why here?
By Nina-Marie Anker Even for South Africans, it is possible to feel like a tourist in town when coming to study at Stellenbosch University (SU). The narrow, sometimes cobbled streets, the ever-changing restaurants, and the diverse cultures… read more
The SU Librarian’s Guide: Viral Videos
By Aurelia Mouton Across social media, a new viral hit has taken the Stellenbosch University (SU) campus by storm. From the book-laden halls of the SU Library come four fun-loving and innovative faculty librarians with a noble… read more
Bring Vir die Harlekyn Nog Wyn!
Deur Jani Roux Die woorde “Bring vir die harlekyn nog wyn, rooiwyn vir sy lag en traan en pyn” (soos gehoor in Sonja Heroldt se “Harlekyn”) het opgekom toe Die Matie op 6 Maart die openingsgeleentheid van… read more
‘I’m a woman, phenomenally’
By Jani Roux The year is 2022 and women of this new era now have the right to vote, to be treated equally in the workplace and even to do something as simple as wear pants on… read more
What Does ‘Going Green’ Really Mean?
By Ila Alberts The climate is in a state of crisis, and we have to act fast. This is a central message that has been at the forefront of the news for the last decade, especially in… read more
Wyn en samesyn!
Deur Danielle Joubert Die Stellenbosch Street Soiree is terug in volle swang ná ’n droewige afwesigheid weens COVID-19. Dié gesogte wynfees word elke tweede Woensdagaand gehou, en spog met wyn van Stellenbosch se ongelooflike wynroete, lekker kos… read more
Adam & Eve bederf Potchefstroom
Deur Emma Hamman Die passieprojek van Danneel Stone, Adam & Eve Collab, wat Stellenbosch voorgestel het aan bagels, unieke Suid-Afrikaanse handelsmerke en oorgenoeg plante om enige woonstel ’n bietjie meer na huis te laat voel, het op… read more
Tattoos: Deeper than skin
By Aurelia Mouton Since before the hippy 1960s and the ‘80s power rock era, tattoos and piercings have been used in many cultural and religious practices in Africa, China, Egypt, Samoa and even Ancient Greece and Rome. … read more
Studentenaelsalons Gee Kleur aan Stellenbosch
DEUR STELLA JOUBERT (VERTAAL DEUR MIEKE DE WET) [The English version of this article follows the Afrikaans] Baie mense hou daarvan om hulle naels te laat doen. Dit laat hulle netjies en chic voel. Gelukkig is daar… read more
Bly Koelkop in die Stellenbosse Hitte
DEUR SKYLA THORNTON (VERTAAL DEUR MIEKE DE WET) Wanneer die temperature in Stellenbosch styg na ’n folterende hitte, vind sommige studente dit moeilik om op hulle studies te fokus of om enigiets anders te doen as om… read more
Final-years Say, ‘We’ve Been There, so Just Trust Us.’
BY ALISON HERMANUS So, you’ve just started your first year at Stellenbosch University (SU), now what? Your first year at university is a time filled with new classes, new faces and a completely new environment. Whilst this… read more
We All Scream for Affordable Ice Cream!
BY KEZIAH MEYER AND ALISON HERMANUS Picture this: it’s a typical Stellies summer day; the sun is beating down on you as you walk across the Rooiplein; and you have a sudden craving for ice cream. Luckily,… read more
No Shiny Object Syndrome for Cuban Fourth
BY FLAVIA DAVIDS A desire to create an affordable and easily accessible luxury brand for young people is what drove two Stellenbosch University (SU) students to start Cuban Fourth. Final-year BAcc student and Simonsberg Residence prim Simeon… read more
Will this be recorded?: Students adjust to changing lecture formats
BY ARSHIA RAMLUCKUN The academic year has officially begun, but it has been anything but smooth sailing for many students. After completing two years online, one would think that Stellenbosch University (SU) students would be used to… read more
The He(art) of Stellenbosch
BY SKYLA THORNTON An idyllic way to spend time exploring Stellenbosch and take a break from studying is to experience the culture and beauty of the town. There are few better ways to do this than by… read more
Compulsory introduction course: Tantalising your taste buds 101
BY DANIELLE JOUBERT Stellenbosch’s student life is back at full throttle, and you can earn those extra credits of fun by visiting the much sought after “weekend-classes”! Wine Tasting This curriculum requires no prior registration, although a… read more
No wine? No problem—socialising the sober way
BY KULANI NGOBENI With its rolling hills of vineyard, world-renowned produce and just over 100 wine farms, one would not exactly be wrong in associating Stellenbosch with wine. In truth, however, whilst the wine farms certainly add… read more
Working students reach tipping point
BY SKYLA THORNTON A well-known struggle of student life at Stellenbosch University (SU) is a lack of funds. Many students attempt to rectify this problem by working part time. For the most part, they work as waitrons… read more
How to: IT Hub
BY ARSHIA RAMLUCKUN It has been two years since the IT Hub has seen lines with waiting periods of up to four hours. This is because students have had to make appointments to receive help from the… read more
Die nuweling se gids tot ’n nuwe begin
DEUR JEAN-MARIE UYS ’n Nuwe koers van rigting en ’n vars begin kan miskien gevoelens van opwinding en entoesiasme meebring vir die nuwe student. Nietemin, is dit nie kort voor lank voordat die skaduwee van uitgawes, organisering… read more