• The Ups and Downs of Returning to Campus

    The Ups and Downs of Returning to Campus

    By Jessica Garschagen James Purchase, first-year Dip (Sustainable Development) How has your experience been so far this week?  “My experience has been amazing! I have loved getting back to work. This week has been tough getting back… read more

  • New Student Entrepreneurs on the Rise

    New Student Entrepreneurs on the Rise

    By Ciara Shaye Seaman The Stellenbosch University campus is filled with entrepreneurs establishing themselves. This past year has brought many sparkly-eyed students emerging into independence and ready to make a business out of their passions and skills.… read more

  • Campus Closet: Students Stepping into Silly Season in Style

    Campus Closet: Students Stepping into Silly Season in Style

    By Jean-Miri Olivier This outfit was inspired by the revival of Y2K style, creating an edgy ensemble by combining new and classic trends, like using shoelaces as a belt and pairing Doc Martens with straight leg jeans.… read more

  • Verken die Winter Dating-toneel

    Verken die Winter Dating-toneel

    Deur Nina-Marie Anker (Vertaal deur Mieke de Wet) Noudat die ­Universiteit ­­Stellenbosch (US)-kampus weer met volle kapasiteit terug is, gons die strate, klasse en koffiewinkels met entoesiasme – en dalk selfs ’n ­bietjie optimisme – vir hierdie… read more

  • Guide to Thrifting Your Winter Wardrobe

    Guide to Thrifting Your Winter Wardrobe

    By Ansela Sloman As mornings get darker and the air chillier, it may be time for many Stellenbosch students to put away their shorts and plakkies and dig to the back of their closets for some winter… read more

  • Are Student Communities Dying a Slow Death?

    Are Student Communities Dying a Slow Death?

    By Skyla Thornton The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the way in which many students interact with one another. There has been a high demand for adaptation in multiple spheres and little time to do so. In the… read more

  • Chewable Art: Hamburger Day

    Chewable Art: Hamburger Day

    By Lesedi Mnisi The bottom half of a soft bun, a little bit of sauce, some lettuce, a delicious patty, a few slices of cheese, a slice of tomato, some onion, a whole lot more sauce and… read more

  • The New Café on the Block: The Poké Co.

    The New Café on the Block: The Poké Co.

    By Jani Roux Sushi lovers’ dreams recently came true when the Poké Co. opened its doors to the healthy hearts of Stellenbosch.  The opening took place on 29 April at 27 Plein Street, and to celebrate the… read more

  • Survival Guide to the SU Exam Season

    Survival Guide to the SU Exam Season

    By Aurelia Mouton As the cold descends upon Stellenbosch University (SU), the exam season creeps closer too. With loadshedding and online classes, it has been a tough ­semester so far for many students, but there is still… read more

  • Continuing to destigmatise mental health

    Continuing to destigmatise mental health

    By Ciara Shaye Seaman The month of October has been declared Mental Health Awareness Month in South Africa. However, there will likely be social media posts about it in the month ahead due to the United States… read more

  • Deciding on your 21st birthday?

    Deciding on your 21st birthday?

    By Hannah Theron For many people, turning 21 is one of the most exciting birthday celebrations of their lives. However, it also entails one of the most stressful parties to plan, and deciding how to celebrate can… read more

  • Workers’ Day: Working 9 to 5

    Workers’ Day: Working 9 to 5

    By Alison Hermanus Workers’ Day, also known as Labour Day or May Day, is a public holiday celebrated annually on 1 May. It is a celebration of the working class and labourers who are often overlooked and… read more

  • Maties deel hulle uitkyk op maskers

    Maties deel hulle uitkyk op maskers

    Deur Emma Hamman Met die Universiteit Stellenbosch se regulasies rondom maskers wat vereis dat maskers ten alle tye binne gedra word en tans herevalueer word, deel studente hulle opinies oor die dra van maskers. Hierdie regulasies kan… read more

  • Daar is ’n plek vir almal

    Daar is ’n plek vir almal

    Deur Kezia Daniels Dit is geen geheim dat die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) talle studentegroepe en -verenigings het waarby studente kan aansluit nie. As daar ’n verandering is wat jy wil maak of ’n groep waarvan jy deel… read more

  • BIPOC Students Braiding Hair

    BIPOC Students Braiding Hair

    By Laura Mutyambizi Coming to Stellenbosch as a student of colour may be a daunting experience, as the majority of Stellenbosch’s population is white. With this, there might be a fear that certain needs that are unique… read more

  • Iftar Around Stellenbosch

    Iftar Around Stellenbosch

    By Buhle Bam Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims during which they abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset. With many students being away from home during Ramadan, iftar, which is the evening meal… read more

  • Die Matie se Feesoorlewingsgids

    Die Matie se Feesoorlewingsgids

    Deur Anakin Curtis (Vertaal deur Mieke de Wet) Toe oom Cyril die einde van die nasionale ramptoestand effektief ­vanaf middernag op Maandag 5 April aangekondig het, het hy ook onbewustelik die sluise vir die feesseisoen oopgetrek. Soos… read more

  • Zamalek Media: Bombing Down Hills and Breaking Down Barriers

    Zamalek Media: Bombing Down Hills and Breaking Down Barriers

    By Anakin Curtis Many students make use of their longboards to get across campus quickly. When fourth-year BSc (Geoinformatics) student ­Joshua van Coller is not snaking down Victoria Street between classes, he is going 80 km/h down… read more

  • Between the Pages

    Between the Pages

    By Karla de Bod World Book Day, also known as World Book and Copyright Day, aims to promote reading, publishing and copyrighting amongst individuals. The day links together the past and the future, people across different generations… read more

  • Earth Week: Celebrating Eco-consciousness

    Earth Week: Celebrating Eco-consciousness

    Skyla Thornton Earth Day is celebrated worldwide each year on 22 April, a date which marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern ­environmental movement in 1970. The day is typically used to highlight ­environmental protection… read more