New SU council members elected
Jonathan Frost Stellenbosch University (SU) announced the election of four new members chosen to represent the University Council, two of which have served on the Council previously. SU is currently reviewing the statute which, amongst others, determines… read more
Studente grom oor SSVO
Lian van Wyk Die Sentrum vir Studentevoorligting en -ontwikkeling (SSVO) het die afgelope paar weke in die spervuur beland. Dit kom nadat klagtes by die studenteraad (SR) ingedien is deur studente wat voel toegang tot die dienste… read more
Stofrotte: A group of hard bearded, rugged men, but with soft hearts
Dané Dooge & Janke van Schalkwyk Eight Stellenbosch University (SU) students will be participating in the Put Foot Rally to raise funds for underprivileged school children. The Stofrotte will be travelling through six countries in Africa as… read more
Maties respond: Residence visiting hours
Visting hours in residences have been a hot topic on Stellenbosch University’s campus. Hélene Leonard spoke to a few residents of various residences on campus, asking them what their thoughts are on their residence’s visiting hours. Munashe… read more
Amnesty helps this winter
Lucy Bryant The Amnesty International Stellenbosch branch is hosting a clothes and blankets drive to distribute to those in need this winter. The drive commenced on 23 April and will end on 4 May (Friday). Ornila Serga,… read more
10% Afslag vir studente
Carla Visagie Studente sonder sente mag dalk verligting kry in die volgende paar maande. Shoprite en Checkers het op 19 April aangekondig dat hulle supermarkte landwyd sekere weke in die jaar ’n promosie gaan loods waar studente… read more
Decolonisation of courses to commence
Hayley Grammer Ten academic courses to be “decolonised” over the next two years. Stellenbosch University (SU) has made plans to decolonise several academic courses over the next two years without consulting student leaders and committees. The programmes to… read more
Menseregte Jeugkonferensie
Heléne Leonard Saterdag 21 April is die jaarlikse Menseregte Jeugkonferensie gehou, waarvan die doel was om mense bewus te maak en in staat te stel om hulle eie inisiatief te gebruik vir probleme waar menseregte oortree word,… read more
Toneelfees 2018 skop af
S.Z. Minnaar & Carla Visagie Die eerste ronde van die jaarlikse Toneelfees het hierdie week begin. Sedert Maandagaand speel daar elke aand tot Saterdag vertonings op die Drostdy-teater se planke. Toneelfees is ’n ou Matie-tradisie en word deur die SR se kultuurkomitee (KuKo)… read more
SU Choir declines national anthem offer
Lian van Wyk The Stellenbosch University (SU) Choir declined an invitation to sing the national anthem at Monday’s Varsity Cup final. The choir, who are the recipients of gold medals in three categories at the 2016 International Choir Games, was approached by Maties… read more
SU honours DR Wessels
Dillon Henwood Stellenbosch University (SU) students and lecturing staff are grieving the loss of Dr Helena Wessels. Dr Wessels (62), a senior lecturer in Foundation Phase Mathematics Education in the B.Ed program, passed away on 24 February… read more
Putting straws in Stellenbosch’s past
Lucy Bryant Stellenbosch University (SU) student, Courtney Fagg, is encouraging Stellenbosch to refuse the use of plastic straws. Fagg has started conducting a survey in Stellenbosch called “Refuse the Straw” to gather information related to the use… read more
Matie rokers moontlik rookplek kwyt
Lian van Wyk Rokers op die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) kampus kan dalk binnekort hul rookplekke kwyt wees. Met nuwe regulasies wat binne die volgende twee weke deel van SA-rookwetgewing gaan word, kom hierdie dag eerder vroeër as… read more
Computer Science team wins annual cyber challenge competition
Kathryn van den Berg Stellenbosch University (SU) Computer Science students win the Cyber Security Challenge. The team of four participated in a three-day challenge, made up of one main challenge and several sub-challenges; all of which proved… read more
World class equipment
Thomas Butler On 6 March Stellenbosch University (SU) launched their new Vibrational Spectroscopy unit in the Central Analytics Facilities (CAF). According to SU’s website, new possibilities for applications across a broad spectrum of fields like medical, safety,… read more
#Maties100 cycling team
Marie Mjacu The cycling team from Stellenbosch University, who entered the Cape Town Cycle Tour under the team #Maties100, gained seven new members from Kayamandi. The team grew to a total of 63 members who faced the… read more
Protest at Wine Festival
Emily O’Ryan Women on Farms, an organisation seeking equitable and non-exploitative working conditions on farms, exposed various contraventions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act by the Stellenbosch Wine Industry at a protest held outside the Wine… read more
Nuwe Sekuriteitsmaatskappy vir die US
Lisa de Clercq & Lian van Wyk Die sekuriteitsmaatskappy G4S, wat die afgelope vyf jaar in beheer van sekuriteit by Matieland was, is aan die begin van Maart met die sekuriteitsmaatskappy ProEvents vervang. Dit kom nadat G4S… read more
Varsity Cup disrupted
Annerine Snyman The seventh round of the Varsity Cup competition was interrupted by protesters storming the field whilst throwing chairs, which forced an end to the match. The players were led off the field. Maties faced Madibaz… read more
Visiting hours contested
Gizellede Götz The topic of inequality regarding visiting hours at men’s residences and female ‘s residences has led to the PK (prim committee) forming a task team to propose a new policy to Stellenbosch University (SU). The… read more