• Stias collaborates with global institutes

    Stias collaborates with global institutes

    CARLA VISAGIE The Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS) has yet again proven itself as a leading research establishment. In September 2018 they wereinvited to be the first research institutein the Southern Hemisphere to collaborate with an… read more

  • Nuwe lig op donker kontinent

    Nuwe lig op donker kontinent

    TIVAN LEAK (English to follow) Die Laboratorium vir die Ekonomie van Afrika se Verlede (LEAP) word gereken as een van die top instellings in die navorsing van geskiedenis in Afrika. LEAP is in 2015 gestig en is… read more

  • More than just your average fluffy companion

    More than just your average fluffy companion

    JONATHAN FROST Guide dogs are trained to lead the blind around obstacles- this is known to many, but emotional support animals (ESA) might be a new concept to some. An ESA is a companion that is advised by a… read more

  • Crazy Colours painting the Rooiplein for Cancer

    Crazy Colours painting the Rooiplein for Cancer

    KATHRYN VAN DEN BERG  Scattered with locks of hair, and highlighted with dye of every colour, the Rooiplein was clearly the host of the Shaveathon organized by CANSA along with Groomed Academy. Friday 28 September saw Maties… read more

  • US-fooie verhoog meer as die inflasiekoers

    US-fooie verhoog meer as die inflasiekoers

    LIAN VAN WYK Matie-studente kan hul klasgelde met soveel as 7% sien verhoog in die nuwe jaar. Volgens die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se webtuiste word ’n 7%-verhoging in klasgelde deur die universiteit voorgestel, met die hoër onderwys… read more

  • PAW society celebrates its 70th Birthday (in dog years, that is)

    PAW society celebrates its 70th Birthday (in dog years, that is)

    ZOE HUMAN Chances are, if you have ever seen a dog on Victoria Street, trailing no more than 3m behind is a bright-eyed student who’s closest encounter with an animal is the rats outside Boho’s. If you… read more

  • Disabled student’s rights are in SU Law Clinic’s sights

    Disabled student’s rights are in SU Law Clinic’s sights

    NICHOLAS CARROLL Equality Court proceedings launched on behalf of Hen­dri Herbst by the Stellenbosch University Law Clinic have ended in a settlement being reached with Dur­banville Hills winery. The winery has admitted to discrimi­nating against the Paralympian… read more

  • Studente se sakgeld streel Stellenbosch se ekonomie

    Studente se sakgeld streel Stellenbosch se ekonomie

    TIVAN LEAK ’n Onlangse studie deur die Buro vir Ekonomiese Navorsing (BER) wys dat Stellenbosse studente weet hoe om behoorlik op te dok. Daar is beraam dat 20% van die Stellenbosch munisipaliteit, wat Stellenbosch, Pniel en Franschoek… read more

  • Rector sweats for #Move4food

    Rector sweats for #Move4food

    KATHRYN VAN DEN BERG Prof Wim de Villiers – Rector and Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch University (SU) –gave a “shout-out” to the supporters of #Move4Food who “took the problem to heart and acted. Well Done.” This was expressed… read more

  • Deep Learning Indaba bevorder AI

    Deep Learning Indaba bevorder AI

    LEMUEL BLIGNAUT Die tweede Deep Learning Indaba het Vanaf 9 tot 14 September by die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) plaasgevind. Die Indaba was gefokus op die toekoms van masjienleer in Afrika, en die effek wat dit kan hê.… read more

  • High spirits in Con Court over Marijuana ruling

    High spirits in Con Court over Marijuana ruling

    NICHOLAS CARROLL Tuesday 22 September saw, amid celebrations in the public gallery, Zondo ACJ deliver theConstitutional Court’s unanimous judgment partially con rming a 2017 decision of the Western Cape High Court concerning the use, possession and cultivation… read more

  • SRC 2018: What do the numbers say?

    SRC 2018: What do the numbers say?

    HELÉNE LEONARD The newly elected Student Repre-sentative Council (SRC) are aspiring to great heights with a new year lying ahead of them. So far, meetings regarding the election of the internal committee, as well as the chairperson… read more

  • Harry Potter Maraton by Pulp Teater

    Harry Potter Maraton by Pulp Teater

    Lumos Maxima!Die Pulp-filmvereniging het Vrydag, 21 September hulle jaarlikse Harry Potter- marathon gehou. Die marathon het om 20:00 met die eerste fliek in die reeks, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, afgeskop waarna al die flieks in… read more

  • Green Matter: More than just a bursary programme

    Green Matter: More than just a bursary programme

    TALITHA JOUBERT Green Matter Fellowship encourages camederie, fellowship and peer excellence with people from di erent universities. While encouraging individual excellence, it is also about building contacts with people in the industry, building personal and professional relationships,… read more

  • Former ‘Die Matie’ editor walks away with Africa Thesis Award in Holland

    Former ‘Die Matie’ editor walks away with Africa Thesis Award in Holland

    KATHRYN VAN DEN BERG Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Adriaan Steyn is not only the recipient of the Africa Thesis Award 2017, but is also completing a PhD in African Studies at Harvard University on a full scholarship. The… read more

  • Nuwe studie bewys die gevare wat middel- en dwelmmisbruik inhou

    Nuwe studie bewys die gevare wat middel- en dwelmmisbruik inhou

    Lian van Wyk Middel- en onwettige dwelmmisbruik kan tot ernstige vorme van selfbeskadiging en selfs selfdood lei. Hierdie bevinding is een van ’n doktorale studie deur Dr. Elsie Breet van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se departement Sielkunde,… read more

  • Students react to new “SU Acapella” name

    Students react to new “SU Acapella” name

    KuKo recently announced that “Sêr” will now be referred to as “SU Acapella”. Hélene Leonard spoke to Maties to hear how they feel about the name change. “I think it’s more inclusive and it’s time for Stellenbosch… read more

  • “Die Stem” sung at reunion causes controversy: Huis Visser bans old boys

    “Die Stem” sung at reunion causes controversy: Huis Visser bans old boys

    Marie Mjacu & Dillon Henwood Huis Visser, a men’s residence at Stellenbosch University (SU), hosted an event for their “old boys,” former members of the residence, on 4 May which took a turn when these former residents started singing Die Stem. The event was… read more

  • SU Chamber Choir concert

    SU Chamber Choir concert

    Gizellede Götz The Stellenbosch University Chamber Choir (SUCC) will be entertaining students for R20 with a fundraising concert this Thursday. The choir performed as Artist Choir in Residence to the World Youth and Children’s Choir Festival hosted in Hong Kong in July 2017. “SUCC… read more

  • SU student sues for ‘discrimination’

    SU student sues for ‘discrimination’

    Dané Dooge  Hendri Herbst, a master’s law student and SA Paralympic swimmer is being represented by Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Legal Aid Clinic in a case of alleged discrimination. Herbst alleged that on 30 December 2014 he and his girlfriend’s (at the time) family wanted… read more