Succeeding at studying with a bun in the oven
CARLA VISAGIE University can be a very daunting experience for some, and the addition of pregnancy can make it even more challenging. Having the right support systems, however, can make it much easier. Stellenbosch University (SU) has… read more
Red tape for the maroon merch
CATHERINA VAN DER MESCHT All Stellenbosch University (SU) merchandise is acquired through the Matie Shop, whether it concerns the brands of a residence, PSO, society or sport club. Concerns about this policy have been raised by students buying merchandise… read more
What is lurking in our water?
DISGRUNTLED METANOIAN DRINKING DIRTY-WATER Clerone showing the poor quality of Metanoia’s water. SAARAH ABRAHAMS The Western Cape may have escaped the dreaded Day Zero for the time being, but water restrictions are still in place in… read more
Selfie-app kan studente se sente red
MATIESCAM PRYK OP ADVERTENSIEBORD Die Besigheidsontwikkelingsbestuurder en uitvoerende direkteur in die Neelsie. CARLA VISAGIE Meeste student het al op ’n punt gekom waar hulle vir ’n week lank moet oorleef op Pulp se springmielies of 2 Minute noodles.… read more
Protecting 4-pawed friends Stellenbosch University (SU) campus is teeming with stray dogs, due to either abandonment or many being unable to find their way home. There are, however, ways to deal with these animals. According to Monique… read more
Eendrag remains silent on the lamb
A CHOPPIE FOR WELCOMING The lamb kept in Eendrag for the duration of the welcoming period. MARIE MJACU It is not unusual for university residences to have mascots. However, when live animals are involved, concerns are often… read more
Live animals as mascots: cool or cruel?
Kathryn van den Berg asked students whether they think that residences should be allowed to keep live animals as mascots. Janique Oliver brought her camera along. AJ Cordy BSc (Physics) “I think it is fine as long as… read more
SASCO claims racism in Irene residence
SASCO member addressing students in Irene yesterday. HELÉNE LEONARD & KATHRYN VAN DEN BERG An incident of alleged racism was brought under the attention of Irene residents yesterday. Mem- bers of the South African Student Congress (SASCO) requested that Sasha Marais, Irene… read more
Let’s talk about sex baby, let’s talk STDs…
VALENTINE’S DAY IS COMING Scented condoms provided by the University for student’s protection. KATHRYN VAN DEN BERG It is no great stretch of the imagination to think that (some/most) students will be having sex this Valentine’s Day.… read more
Ekonomie aan toppunt van die leer
SZ MINNAAR Ekonomie was verlede jaar die gewildste eerstejaarsvak aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US). Meer as 2 000 studente het verlede jaar vir dié vak registreer. Aangesien die fakulteit ekon-omiese en bestuurswetenskappe (EBW) die US se grootste… read more
A Standing Ovation for Beethoven 9
LAUREN WESLEY-SMITH & RENÉ ESTERHUYSE In a massive musical collaboration at Stellenbosch University, musicians from all throughout Stellenbosch united to perform Ludwig van Beethoven’s epic Ninth Symphony in the Endler Hall. Joined together onstage were the University… read more
116 years of growing the Botanical Gardens
CARLA VISAGIE For the Stellenbosch University (SU) Botanical Garden, 2018 held many memorable moments. These include its accreditation by the Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) in June, and another Accredited Conservation Practitioner in August. Another significant highlight… read more
SU shows that it really does take a village
ROXANNE MOONEYS October is Mental Health Awareness Month in South Africa. Stellenbosch University (SU) marked World Mental Health Day on 10 October with a series of programmes, events and talks on campus and radio. The Listen Learn… read more
Inetkey leaves students wondering about where their money goes
ZOË HUMAN Maties Wi-Fi and its accompanying Inetkey seems to be getting the students of Stellenbosch University (SU) all worked up. Maties Wi-Fi and Inet- key acts as a staple for many Stellen- bosch students, especially those… read more
A century of celebrating societies at SU
ALLISON MATROOS A hundred years has passed for Stellenbosch University (SU). For many of these, student societies have been around to witness the growth and change of the university of which they form a part. Some have… read more
It began with two cupboards
MONTANNA ESSEY 553 students. These were the humble beginnings of Stellenbosch University. Now the number of students is nearly ten times that number with 5076 students in just the faculty of science alone.This faculty had equally humble… read more
American visitors at SU’s equality unit
Deslene Prins The Stellenbosch University (SU) Equality Unit hosted two guests from New York University’s Office of Global Inclusion, Diversity and Strategic Innovation: Dr. Lisa Coleman, the Senior Vice President, and Monroe France, the Associate vice president.… read more
Sport, Krag en die Samelewing
LIAN VAN WYK Sport by die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) blyk die volgende fokuspunt van vanjaar se Eeufeesvieringe te wees. “Sport, Krag en die Samelewing,” is die naam van ’n driedaagse konferensie wat van 9 tot 11 Oktober… read more
SU Researcher honoured with award
ALLISON MATROOS & ROXANNE MOONEYS Dr Rehana Malgas-Enus, a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science at Stellenbosch University (SU), received the National Research Foundation Excellence in Science Engagement Award on 26 September 2018.… read more
SU stands out in rankings
CARLA VISAGIE If a walk underneath the scenic trees in Victoria doesn’t give Maties enough reason to study here, Stellenbosch University (SU) has once again been ranked under the top universities in the world. SU was ranked… read more