• How VAT increase will affect your budget

    How VAT increase will affect your budget

    Dané Dooge & Kara van der Berg The budget speech given by Malusi Gigaba, former Minister of Finance, indicated that a spike tax is needed in South Africa in order to improve the debt ratio. The aim… read more

  • SRC chair wins DA Youth Election

    SRC chair wins DA Youth Election

    Emily O’Ryan Lwando Nkamisa, SRC chairperson, has been elected as the chairperson of the DA Youth in the west region of the Western Cape. Nkamisa said that it feels great to be involved and that it is… read more

  • Molassesêr 2018: Tygerberg reigns again

    Molassesêr 2018: Tygerberg reigns again

    Carl Thomas Molassesêr challenged residences to showcase their creativity this year. The theme was “Video Killed the Radiostar.” According to Blaine Josephs, chairperson of the SRC culture committee (KuKo), the idea came from an episode of Rupaul’s Drag Race. “The simplest way to… read more

  • Nuwe parkeertoekennings

    Nuwe parkeertoekennings

    Elodi Troskie Die nuwe parkeertoekennings vir 2018 sal op 1 Maart in werking tree. Slegs sekere parkeerareas sal vanjaar vir studente beskikbaar wees. Parkeerareas by die Sasol Kunsmuseum, Skuilhoek, Smuts/Merriman en die noordekant van die Inginieurswese-fakulteit sal deur hierdie verandering geraak… read more

  • New SU portfolio created: Gender non-violence coordinator appointed

    New SU portfolio created: Gender non-violence coordinator appointed

    Wianda Gilliland Thembelile Bongwana has been appointed as the Equality Unit’s (EqU) new gender nonviolence coordinator. The Stellenbosch University (SU) #EndRapeCulture Report in 2017 recommended a gender non-violence response be set up, which led to the creation of the newly established portfolio that Bongwana is… read more

  • SU to honour individuals

    SU to honour individuals

    Kathryn van den Berg Local and international thought leaders are being honoured by Stellenbosch University as part of their 100 years celebrations. The University’s centenary tribute will ensue with honorary doctorates awarded to fourteen individuals during the 2018 March graduation ceremonies. Some of these… read more

  • Wash your car waterless

    Wash your car waterless

    Kathryn van den Berg The current water crisis affecting Stellenbosch has given two final year engineering students a platform for a unique business: a waterless car-wash cleaning service. With their professional and accessible service ‘Keep it Clean Waterless Car Wash’, these students have made… read more

  • Matrics visit SU and tell us what they think

    Matrics visit SU and tell us what they think

    Prospective Maties visited Stellenbosch to get a taste of the student life at SU’s open day. Annerine Snyman asked some of the future Maties about their opinions of Stellenbosch and why they are choosing SU. Tivan Leak took … read more

  • Plea bargain denied: Protest at Robyn Pearce plea trial

    Plea bargain denied: Protest at Robyn Pearce plea trial

    Lucy Bryant Protestors gathered outside Cape Town High Court on 19 Febraury to protest against a plea bargain of the alleged murderer of Robyn Pearce. Pearce, who was a student at Stellenbosch University (SU), was murdered by an intruder in her mother’s Cape… read more

  • MyTherapy saving lives

    MyTherapy saving lives

    George van Dyk MyTherapy, a medication reminder and health tracker app developed by health software development company, smartpatient, is designed to tackle the issue of medicine being taken incorrectly by assisting the public in the pursuit of responsible medication. Tracey Ruff, marketing intern for South… read more

  • Mixed gendered residences a hoax

    Mixed gendered residences a hoax

    Gizellede Götz & Ingrid Heÿdenrÿch A manipulated photo of Stellenbosch University’s (SU) website did the rounds on WhatsApp groups and social media on 22 February. The picture showed the heading of an article that was published on SU’s  website, but with altered text… read more

  • The grass is greener on Eendrag’s side

    The grass is greener on Eendrag’s side

    Lian van Wyk Eendrag, despite the severe South African drought, has one of the best-looking quads around. Green grass and luscious trees make the residence’s inner space look like something entirely unrelated to the parched world outside.What is the secret to this isolated… read more

  • US Woordfees beraam planne om water te spaar by vanjaar se fees

    US Woordfees beraam planne om water te spaar by vanjaar se fees

    Carla Visagie Feesgangers sal meer wyn moet drink, aangesien waterbesparing een van die hoof prioriteite is by die US Woordfees  in 2018. Daarom het die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) in samewerking met die Woordfees besluit om verskeie maatreëls in plek te stel… read more

  • Strenger beperkings in pyplyn: 6B is hier

    Strenger beperkings in pyplyn: 6B is hier

    Lian van Wyk Vlak 6B waterbeperkings het in Stellenbosch, nes in die Moederstad, posgevat. Dit beteken dat elke persoon slegs 50 liter water per persoon per dag kan verbruik. Dit kom in die nasleep van ’n hernude poging deur plaaslike owerhede om die… read more

  • Nuwe naam vir Thom?

    Nuwe naam vir Thom?

    Dané Dooge & S.Z. Minnaar Die welbekende HB Thom-teater, die tuiste van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se dramadepartement, gaan moontlik ’n nuwe naam kry. Dié teater is in 1966 geopen en is na die toenmalige US-rektor vernoem. Dit kom nadat prof.… read more

  • Maties mag wel nog sokkie in Afrikaans

    Maties mag wel nog sokkie in Afrikaans

    Gizellede Götz & Ingrid Heÿdenrÿch Oproer is verlede week veroorsaak nadat Rapport berig het dat Frederik van Dyk, prim van Helshoogte, meen HK’s somtyds te bang is om Afrikaanse musiek by sosiale geleenthede te speel. Van Dyk het egter aan Die Matie gesê dat… read more

  • Harry Potter society coming soon to SU

    Harry Potter society coming soon to SU

    Kathryn van den Berg “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good” is a phrase that the up-and coming Harry Potter Alliance Chapter in Stellenbosch does not take seriously at all. The goal of this society is to give fans… read more

  • SR vorm eie komitee

    SR vorm eie komitee

    Tivan Leak Die SR het studente uitgenooi om aansoek te doen om te dien op ’n disiplinêre komitee. Volgens ’n e-pos wat gestuur is aan studente van die SR se amptelike eposadres af, sal die komitee opgemaak word uit vyf lede waarvan twee… read more

  • Paid protesters prevent Tibetan leader’s lecture

    Paid protesters prevent Tibetan leader’s lecture

    Ingrid Heÿdenrÿch A lecture that was supposed to be held by Dr Lobsang Sangay, the President of the Central Tibetan Administration (the Tibetan government in exile), was cancelled due to push back from, amongst others, the African National Congress (ANC). On 8 February, a… read more

  • Nuwe leersentrum op pad

    Nuwe leersentrum op pad

    Wianda Gilliland Aan die einde van 2019 sal Maties weer plek hê by die Neelsie om te parkeer. Die konstruksie van ’n massiewe nuwe leersentrum tussen  die Neelsie en die Polimeerwetenskappe gebou, sal meer studente kan akkommodeer as enige ander huidige onderrigruimte op kampus.… read more