• Sêr and debating experiencing overhaul

    Sêr and debating experiencing overhaul

    Ingrid Heÿdenrÿch Culture on campus is turning over a new leaf this year. Sêr, Toneelfees and debating are all undergoing changes. Blaine Josephs, chair of KuKo, the culture committee of the Student Representative Council, said that it is important to constantly try new things, especially when… read more

  • New library name to “promote transformation” at Stellenbosch

    New library name to “promote transformation” at Stellenbosch

    Arleen Stone Although most Maties students rarely refer to the Stellenbosch University’s (SU) main campus library by name, a recent renaming hopes to create change. In an official press release, the university said this decision forms part of a larger effort to promote transformation… read more

  • What does Day Zero mean for Stellies?

    What does Day Zero mean for Stellies?

    Ingrid Heÿdenrÿch & Kathryn van den Berg Day Zero looming over the head of the Western Cape, it is unclear what concrete plans Stellenbosch University (SU) has for when the water runs out in Stellenbosch. Martin Viljoen,… read more

  • SU student to rock international competition

    SU student to rock international competition

    Annerine Snyman Matthew Mayne will share his knowledge about rocks at the “Young Persons’ Leadership World Lecture Competition”, in October. This earth sciences PhD student was chosen as the South African representative for the competition and is the only… read more

  • Van kleingeld tot R99 999 binne 99 dae

    Van kleingeld tot R99 999 binne 99 dae

    Elze Goosen Daar is nog 80 dae oor om ’n bydra vir die #US99-veldtog te maak waarvoor R99 999 ingesamel moet word. Dié veldtog, wat poog om R99 999 in 99 dae in te samel, is op Woensdag 20 September ingelei… read more

  • Oud-Matie maak naam in die mediabedryf

    Oud-Matie maak naam in die mediabedryf

    Die veelsydige Renaldo Schwarp (25) kan deesdae nie misgekyk word nie. As hy nie op die kassie tydens die weeklikse vermaaklikheidsprogram #GONS pronk nie, werk hy as programkoördineerder van Media24 se WeCan24-jeugprogram. Dan is daar ook sy… read more

  • Dosent stel dubbeldoor digbundels bekend

    Dosent stel dubbeldoor digbundels bekend

    Arleen Stone Veelbekroonde en wêreld-beroemde dosent en digter Marlene van Niekerk sal lesers eersdaags verras met iets wat hulle nie baie in die Afrikaanse letterkunde te sien kry nie. Dié professor in die departement Afrikaans en Nederlands… read more

  • Project 80: Increased efforts to save water at SU

    Project 80: Increased efforts to save water at SU

    Arleen Stone A new and innovative online water saving campaign will soon aim to help Stellenbosch University (SU) to raise awareness amongst students around saving water.  At the beginning of this month level 5 water restrictions were… read more

  • Poynt Bikes in Stellies

    Poynt Bikes in Stellies

    Tess Vengadajellum Getting around in Stellenbosch while still taking the environment into consideration has become easier thanks to Poynt Bikes bicycle company. The company allows people to rent bicycles through an app. The bicycles can be picked… read more

  • Honneursstudent eksperimenteer met Afrikaanse film

    Honneursstudent eksperimenteer met Afrikaanse film

    Elodi Troskie Nicolaas de Jongh se kortfilm, Wilgerdal, is as honneursprojek gemaak en word in November bekendgestel. De Jongh is ’n honneursstudent in Drama en spesialiseer in regie. As deel van sy finalejaarsprojek, het hy C.J. Langenhoven… read more

  • Lipstick and cupcakes help to raise breast cancer awareness on campus

    Lipstick and cupcakes help to raise breast cancer awareness on campus

    Gizellede Götz With pink lips and free cupcakes, Venustia is helping PinkDrive support women diagnosed with breast cancer. Venustia has launched their ‘Pink Lip’ and ‘Donate and get a free cupcake’ initiatives on campus this week, encouraging… read more

  • Student court deems constitution valid

    Student court deems constitution valid

    Ané van Zyl Student court has ruled that the 2014 version of the student constitution is valid and enforceable. This comes after Bernard Pieters, AfriForum Youth leader, approached the court alleging that the 2014 constitution (version 2.4)… read more

  • Dagbreek greets new residence head

    Dagbreek greets new residence head

    George van Dyk The new residence head of Dagbreek wants to make Dagbreek a place where everyone feels at home. Grant Leukes, the previous assistant residence head of Metanoia, has replaced dr Johannes Albertus de Wet Strauss… read more

  • Maties Netball comes in hot despite challenges

    Maties Netball comes in hot despite challenges

    Savanna Bosman Maties Netball has faced many challenges this year. Despite the transition to a new coach and many injuries complicating the team structure, they’ve shown good form during the early stages of Varsity Netball. “This year… read more

  • Western Cape running out of blood

    Western Cape running out of blood

    Dané Dooge The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) urgently needs donors to come forward, especially blood group O donors. SANBS announced last week that they are running low on stock. According to the official SANBS website,… read more

  • Stellies Student Selected to Speak at UN Conference

    Stellies Student Selected to Speak at UN Conference

    Kathryn van den Berg “Think global, Act Local” is a phrase which 20-year-old Stellenbosch University student Kayla Arnold embodies. She was selected as the human rights youth ambassador of the United Nations of South Africa (UNASA). As… read more

  • Connect – the new MAD2

    Connect – the new MAD2

    Tess Vengadajellum Vensters will undergo another transformation next year: the MAD2 project will now be known as Connect. The Prim Committee has collectively decided to reshape Vensters by implementing a series of changes. The new project is more… read more

  • Entitlement threat to leadership

    Entitlement threat to leadership

    Rebecca Pitt The challenge most 21st century leaders face is an attitude of entitlement, said Nox Makunga at the Wimbledon and Rubix clusters’ talk. The 21st Century Leadership Talk, hosted by Eendrag men’s residence, was intended to… read more

  • SU climbs Times Higher Education rankings amid research gains

    SU climbs Times Higher Education rankings amid research gains

    George van Dyk Stellenbosch University (SU) has placed higher on the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2018. It is now in the 351-400 category. In 2017, it was in the 401-500 category. In the… read more