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Visting hours in residences have been a hot topic on Stellenbosch University’s campus. Hélene Leonard spoke to a few residents of various residences on campus, asking them what their thoughts are on their residence’s visiting hours.

Munashe Matingo


Visiting hours for males run from 7.30am to 11.30pm daily and females are allowed to visit at any time.

“I think it is quite reasonable. Sometimes it becomes an inconvenience since we are here to study. For female residences, the times, I think, can be expanded.”



Marloise Du Plessis


Visiting hours for males are from 6pm to 11pm only on weekends. Females are not restricted to a time.

“Persoonlik glo ek dit is baie billik en gepas vir Irene. Ek kan nie praat oor ander koshuise nie en glo mansbesoek ure is iets waaroor elke koshuis self moet besluit. Ek hou van hoe die ure nou is, maar as ons stem daaroor en die huis besluit saam om dit te verleng, is dit iets wat ons, binne perke, behoort te doen.”


Simoné Smit 


Visiting hours for males are only on weekends – Fridays from 7pm to 11pm, Saturdays and Sundays from 12pm to 11pm. Females are allowed everyday from 10am to 11pm.

“I do not care what the visiting hours are, as long as they are equal. Almal moet onder dieselfde kamp gespan word.”


Wahnice Du Toit


Visiting hours for both males and females are from 6pm to 12am.

“Female residences’ visiting hours are not fair. Firstly, there is no equality between the residences regarding visiting hours. What makes it worse is the fact that, at female residences, visiting hours are restricted, yet, at male residences, the hours are more liberal. It becomes a gender issue, where females are allowed less than males.”


Cari Ockhuis


Visiting hours are from 11am to 11pm daily for males. Females are not restricted to a time.

“The visiting hours were changed at the beginning of the year because we were not sure if the first years were comfortable with it. But then we made the first years vote on visiting hours and they agreed on the previous male visiting hours from 2pm to 11pm. This personally suits me because it is not too unequal to men’s residences.”

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