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Fresh energy, fresh leadership: Maties women’s rugby gets new head coach Floats to Vensters: A brief history Stellies starter pack: Room essentials Dr. Bongani Mashange: An unexpected dream realised

SU to honour individuals

Kathryn van den Berg Local and international thought leaders are being honoured by Stellenbosch University as part of their 100 years celebrations. The University’s centenary tribute will ensue with honorary doctorates awarded to fourteen individuals during the 2018 March graduation ceremonies. Some of these individuals include Trueman Goba,Read More

Wash your car waterless

Kathryn van den Berg The current water crisis affecting Stellenbosch has given two final year engineering students a platform for a unique business: a waterless car-wash cleaning service. With their professional and accessible service ‘Keep it Clean Waterless Car Wash’, these students have made sure that theRead More

MyTherapy saving lives

George van Dyk MyTherapy, a medication reminder and health tracker app developed by health software development company, smartpatient, is designed to tackle the issue of medicine being taken incorrectly by assisting the public in the pursuit of responsible medication. Tracey Ruff, marketing intern for South Africa at MyTherapy,Read More

Nuwe naam vir Thom?

Dané Dooge & S.Z. Minnaar Die welbekende HB Thom-teater, die tuiste van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se dramadepartement, gaan moontlik ’n nuwe naam kry. Dié teater is in 1966 geopen en is na die toenmalige US-rektor vernoem. Dit kom nadat prof. Petrus du Preez, voorsitterRead More