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Nuwe parkeertoekennings

Elodi Troskie Die nuwe parkeertoekennings vir 2018 sal op 1 Maart in werking tree. Slegs sekere parkeerareas sal vanjaar vir studente beskikbaar wees. Parkeerareas by die Sasol Kunsmuseum, Skuilhoek, Smuts/Merriman en die noordekant van die Inginieurswese-fakulteit sal deur hierdie verandering geraak word. Roelof Loubser,Read More

MyTherapy saving lives

George van Dyk MyTherapy, a medication reminder and health tracker app developed by health software development company, smartpatient, is designed to tackle the issue of medicine being taken incorrectly by assisting the public in the pursuit of responsible medication. Tracey Ruff, marketing intern for South Africa at MyTherapy,Read More

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