Wat eerstejaars moet weet
EMRIE HUMAN Ná ses jaar op Stellenbosch beskou ek myself as ’n semi-professionele student. Ek sal nie sê ek het die code ge-crack op student wees nie, maar ek het wel ’n paar harde lesse geleer, veral as ek nouRead More
Established 1941
EMRIE HUMAN Ná ses jaar op Stellenbosch beskou ek myself as ’n semi-professionele student. Ek sal nie sê ek het die code ge-crack op student wees nie, maar ek het wel ’n paar harde lesse geleer, veral as ek nouRead More
LAUREN WESLEY-SMITH Since the first use of a hashtag in 2007, this symbol has become synonymous with the trends of the world, ranging from memes (humorous images, videos, and texts which are varied and spread throughout the internet) to socialRead More
HELÉNE LEONARD Matieland is enige student se droomland. Afgesien van die stereotipiese wynproe – Stellenbosch het tog van die lekkerste wyn – is daar vele ander liplekker aktiwiteite wat studente in hulle spaartyd en om die dorp kan probeer. MaarRead More
JADE KERCHHOFF Students typically arrive at their classroom venue already on edge. There is a laundry-list of possible reasons why (usually the fact that they have to be there in the first place) you don’t want to be in class.Read More
Heléne Leonard Vensters is an annual event where thousands of first year Maties gather and put their various talents on display for the Stellenbosch community. Stellenbosch University (SU) residences and private student organisations (PSOs) collaborate to bring audiences a vibrantRead More
JADE KERCHHOFF Everything Dreads is the name of an emerging business founded by second year BSc (Mathematical Sciences) student, Hamese Houston Thapelo, that renders the service of, yes, you guessed it, dreadlocks! Taught by a friend of his, Hamese hasRead More
NATASHA RUSCH The Maties Rugby 7’s Men’s and Women’s teams were undeniably victorious during the Inter-Varsity tournament held on Saturday 29 September. The Men’s team competed against UCT, UWC and CPUT, whilst the Women’s team competed against UCT. The menRead More
ZOE HUMAN Chances are, if you have ever seen a dog on Victoria Street, trailing no more than 3m behind is a bright-eyed student who’s closest encounter with an animal is the rats outside Boho’s. If you have never seenRead More
Got a crush? Write a letter and submit it to the Die Matie Office (Office 4, top floor, Neelsie) or submit it via e-mail and we’ll publish your letter – keeping your identity a secret. Your secret is safe withRead More
NICHOLAS CARROLL Equality Court proceedings launched on behalf of Hendri Herbst by the Stellenbosch University Law Clinic have ended in a settlement being reached with Durbanville Hills winery. The winery has admitted to discriminating against the Paralympian in 2014 whenRead More
Die Matie is looking for Online Enthusiasts for the new term. Apply to join the team: send an email to diematie75@gmail.com with your full name, degree, and short motivation (max 200 words)
NICHOLAS CARROLL Tuesday 22 September saw, amid celebrations in the public gallery, Zondo ACJ deliver theConstitutional Court’s unanimous judgment partially con rming a 2017 decision of the Western Cape High Court concerning the use, possession and cultivation of cannabis. TheRead More
ROXANNE MOONEYS Most students are familiar with the feeling of moving into a new room at residence or into a new flat and having no idea how to decorate the bleak and blank walls you will have to look atRead More
HELÉNE LEONARD The newly elected Student Repre-sentative Council (SRC) are aspiring to great heights with a new year lying ahead of them. So far, meetings regarding the election of the internal committee, as well as the chairperson of the SRC,Read More
Lumos Maxima!Die Pulp-filmvereniging het Vrydag, 21 September hulle jaarlikse Harry Potter- marathon gehou. Die marathon het om 20:00 met die eerste fliek in die reeks, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, afgeskop waarna al die flieks in die reeks vertoonRead More
MARIE MJACU The International Food Evening hosted by Stellenbosch University (SU) International was a festive and colourful evening full of tasty food and vibrant people. The event, which happens once a semester, is designed to allow international students a chanceRead More
HELÉNE LEONARD Die nuutste studentebesigheid, Rum the Fox, is ontwikkel deur twee Matie-studente, Clara Holm, ’n BSc-student, en Megan Muller, ’n BRek-student. Die twee studente het met dié nuwe minimalistiese klere-ontwerpbesigheid vorendag gekom nadat hulle ’n hemp met ’n jakkalsRead More
TALITHA JOUBERT Green Matter Fellowship encourages camederie, fellowship and peer excellence with people from di erent universities. While encouraging individual excellence, it is also about building contacts with people in the industry, building personal and professional relationships, having a mentorRead More
Roses are red Violets are Blue Write your (future) significant other a letter And we’ll publish it for you! #matiemaatsoek #matesearch #findlove #diematie