Silly Season crossword
Across: 3. De Lapa 4. Catwalk 6. NY Slice 8. De Akker 9. Penthouse 10. Bohemia Down: 1 . Fool’s Gold 2. Dorp 5. Aandklas 7. Centraal
Established 1941
Across: 3. De Lapa 4. Catwalk 6. NY Slice 8. De Akker 9. Penthouse 10. Bohemia Down: 1 . Fool’s Gold 2. Dorp 5. Aandklas 7. Centraal
Deur Aurelia Mouton en Ané Havenga The Daisy Jones Bar net buite Stellenbosch het op 6 Mei behoorlik geruk en gerol en dit alles te danke aan Francois van Coke en sy band, Die Gevaar. Hy het die skare gaandeRead More
By Lesedi Mnisi Body positivity has been a topic in the media for quite some time. This is evident in celebrities, such as Lizzo, speaking out about body types that don’t fit conventional beauty standards and the pride they haveRead More
Deur Kezia Daniels Dit is geen geheim dat die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) talle studentegroepe en -verenigings het waarby studente kan aansluit nie. As daar ’n verandering is wat jy wil maak of ’n groep waarvan jy deel wil wees, isRead More
By Kobus Erasmus and Emma Hamman Cape Town-based band Lost//Youth released their debut EP, Chasing Shadows, in January of this year. The alt-rock quartet consists of Alanna Joy (vocals), Charlie Charles (bass guitar), Faghri Hendricks (electric guitar) and Teddy FrazerRead More
BY KEZIAH MEYER AND ALISON HERMANUS Picture this: it’s a typical Stellies summer day; the sun is beating down on you as you walk across the Rooiplein; and you have a sudden craving for ice cream. Luckily, not far fromRead More
BY AURELIA MOUTON & JAN-HENDRIK PRETORIUS Supporters have populated the Danie Craven Stadium for the first time in two years. Die Matie gathered some of the best moments of the momentous evening.
BY AURELIA MOUTON & MARDENE VAN SCHALKWYK As 2022 approaches, the annual leadership transition at Stellenbosch University (SU) has begun. After the recent student leadership elections in August and their subsequent results, the 2021/2022 Students’ Representative Council (SRC) has officiallyRead More
DEUR LEE ESTERHUYSEN Dr. Anton Ehlers, ’n senior lektor in die Departement Geskiedenis, is die dosent wat al die langste by die Universi-teit Stellenbosch (US) werk. Ehlers het aan die universiteit studeer en doseer nou ook al 36 jaar lankRead More
DEUR JACQUES MARAIS & CARLA VISAGIE Sedert die koerant se eerste uitgawe op 1 Augustus 1941, was Die Matie se verslaggewers langs die sportveld gewapen met ’n notaboek om die grootste oomblikke van kampussport vas te vang. Daar was dieRead More
BY CARLA VISAGIE AND QUEEN MAJIKIJELA Throughout the past 80 years that Die Matie existed, our journalists and photographers ran around the sports fields to capture the essence of the great athletes. Queen Majikijela and Carla Visagie selected some picturesRead More
BY BRADLEY GROVERS Rector and Vice Chancellor at Stellenbosch University (SU), Prof Wim de Villers was seen putting his mettle to the test on Sunday 10 October at this year’s annual Cape Town Cycle Tour. The tour stretches along theRead More
DEUR JAN-HENDRIK PRETORIUS Vanjaar sal Jerry Motsau sy titel as voormalige wenner by die Dagbreek-straatmyl kom verdedig en dit maak hom slegs die tweede atleet om so te maak by hierdie wedloop. Die 11de iterasie van die wedloop sal opRead More
DEUR LIZE BEKKER Vanjaar het kultuurliefhebbende Universiteit Stellenbosch (US)-studente in afwagting gewag om te hoor wat met hulle geliefkoosde Toyota US Woordfees gaan gebeur tydens hierdie wispelturige COVID-19-tye. Die Woordfees is ’n jaarlikse kunstefees wat in Stellenbosch plaasvind. Dit isRead More
BY DYLAN LEE Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se hersiende taalbeleid is in die laaste fases van die skep van ’n finale konsep-weergawe wat vyf jaar ná die implementering daarvan in 2017 in werking sal tree in 2022, soos geïllustreer deurRead More
DEUR ANÉ HAVENGA Die afgelope reses het gesien hoe Maties se hokkiespanne met van die land se top universiteitshokkiespanne in die jaarlikse Universiteitesport Suid-Afrika (USSA)-toernooi afgereken het. Maties se vroue- en manseerstehokkiespanne het in die week van 23 tot 27Read More
BY BRADLEY GROVERS The highly anticipated annual Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) Universities’ Boat Race rowing competition started Thursday 23 September and concluded on 25 September. This competition is an annual boat race that sees numerous universities rowing in the 4–6kmRead More
BY MARDENE VAN SCHALKWYK Money may make the world go round, but caffeine is probably what keeps Stellenbosch University (SU) up and running. The constant hustle and bustle of the Neelsie coffee spots is the truest testimony to this theory.Read More
BY DANIELLE JOUBERT Stellenbosch’s first-ever annual Garden Week began last week on 30 September. It will be running until 10 October and offers fun-filled activities for the whole family. The week kicked-off with a Flower Parade on 30 September thatRead More