• Stellenbosch honours student discovers new mushroom species endemic to SA

    Stellenbosch honours student discovers new mushroom species endemic to SA

    Breyten van der Merwe is a Stellenbosch student doing BSc Hons (Microbiology), who by chance discovered a new species of mushroom, now named Hericium ophelieae. “I was walking with my family in a forest in Knysna, and… read more

  • A Seat at the Table: SU to revise disability accessibility policy for 2023

    A Seat at the Table: SU to revise disability accessibility policy for 2023

    The Disability Unit (DU), in conjunction with Stellenbosch University (SU), will be revising the disability accessibility policy this year. As an effort to make the voices of the students affected most heard, the Students for Law and… read more

  • SU Convocation crisis: A matter of executive overreach?

    SU Convocation crisis: A matter of executive overreach?

    The executive committee (EC) of the Stellenbosch University (SU) Convocation remains at loggerheads with the wider Convocation and its members as it calls for the resignation of SU rector, Prof Wim de Villiers. The executive committee also… read more

  • US-Konvokasie: ’n Kwessie van magsvergrype?

    US-Konvokasie: ’n Kwessie van magsvergrype?

    Die uitvoerende kommitee (UK) van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US)-Konvokasie bevind hulself in warm water na aantygings van magsvergrype vanaf lede van die wyer Konvokasie rakende die bevel vir summiere bedanking van US-rektor, prof. Wim de Villiers, en… read more

  • A Re-injection of Knowledge into a Starving System

    A Re-injection of Knowledge into a Starving System

    According to Statistics South Africa, every three in ten 18-year-old students dropout of high school. With only about 23% of 20-year-olds attending university. In part, these high dropout statistics are due to improper facilities, lack of decent… read more

  • SU Convocation Exec Controversy:  Explained

    SU Convocation Exec Controversy: Explained

    Stellenbosch University (SU) has been rocked by controversy recently, as tensions between the Convocation executive council and the institution’s leadership have reached a fever pitch. The latest news centres around an attempt by SU Convocation executive to… read more

  • SU Leads with Disability

    SU Leads with Disability

    The Disability Unit (DU) at Stellenbosch University (SU), which provides services to students with disabilities, is currently running its Lead with Disability programme that focuses on disability awareness and sensitisation for students. This programme is run in… read more

  • Co-ed Residences in future for SU

    Co-ed Residences in future for SU

    Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Learning and Teaching, Prof Deresh Ramjugernath, issued a statement on Friday, 17 March addressing concerns on the Stellenbosch campus of SU that certain undergraduate men’s residences could become mixed-gender within the next… read more

  • Toco: Can Money Grow on Trees?

    Toco: Can Money Grow on Trees?

    Toco (tonnes of carbon) is a new digital currency that emphasises the inherent value of the natural environment as an economic asset through carbon offsetting. A single toco represents one tonne of carbon dioxide that has been… read more

  • UPDATE: SRC and SU management talk to NSFAS COO

    UPDATE: SRC and SU management talk to NSFAS COO

    By Lesedi Mnisi The Student Representative Council (SRC) of Stellenbosch University (SU) held a peaceful protest outside the offices of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) in Cape Town on Friday 10 February. This was in… read more

  • Dreamwalking down Victoria Street

    Dreamwalking down Victoria Street

    By Emma-Jane Metcalf On Thursday, 2 February, over 5000 newcomers descended upon the Danie Craven stadium for the first full welcoming since 2020. Neatly divided into their respective residences and PSO’s, the new Maties enjoyed singing and… read more

  • Vensters 2023 brings the heat

    Vensters 2023 brings the heat

    By Anakin Curtis  The first full scale Vensters, and first ever Maties Connect Festival (MC Fest) saw Stellenbosch University (SU) newcomers flood onto the Welgevallen Hockey Field on Saturday, 11 February. This was the first time since… read more

  • NSFAS Cap Sparks Accommodation Crisis

    NSFAS Cap Sparks Accommodation Crisis

    By Aurelia Mouton and Lesedi Mnisi Many National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) students, across South Africa, are facing an accommodation crisis due to the recently announced R45 000 accommodation funding cap. This cap was confirmed in a… read more

  • UPDATE- Bodies of missing Stellenbosch couple found

    UPDATE- Bodies of missing Stellenbosch couple found

    Two bodies have been extracted from the car of the missing couple, Ethan Kirkland (19) and Leila du Preez Lees (18). Kirkland, first year BSc Computer Science student at Stellenbosch University (SU) and his girlfriend, du Preez,… read more

  • First year SU student and girlfriend missing

    First year SU student and girlfriend missing

    Ethan Kirkland (19), a first year BSc (Computer Science) student at Stellenbosch University (SU), and Leila du Preez Lees (18)  were last seen, on street camera footage, at 23:45 on Friday, 21 October, driving onto Van Riebeeck… read more

  • One step closer to social change with Eon

    One step closer to social change with Eon

    By Flavia Davids To Idas Valley community leader Eon Hendrikse, activism is a way of life. Hendrikse and his co-founders Etienne Basson and Sylvin Thomas started the Idas Valley Community Trails Organisation, a non-profit (NPO), at the… read more

  • Van Stellenbosch na Oxford: Sophia Rabie

    Van Stellenbosch na Oxford: Sophia Rabie

    Deur Holly Mellin Vertaal deur Rentia Meyer Sophia Rabie, ʼn HonsBA (Antropologie)-student aan Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), het onlangs die Rhodes Prestigebeurs ontvang. Die Rhodes Prestigebeurs is in 1902 deur die testament van Cecil John Rhodes gestig. Volgens… read more

  • SU Law Faculty educates beyond bars

    SU Law Faculty educates beyond bars

    By Ila Alberts and Ansela Sloman The Ubuntu Learning Community (ULC) is an interdisciplinary short course offered to roughly twenty registered Stellenbosch students, and twenty incarcerated students at Brandvlei Correctional Centre, in collaboration between the University of… read more

  • Sign Language Storytelling given a boost by SU Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

    Sign Language Storytelling given a boost by SU Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

    By Ansela Sloman Four deaf storytellers and members of Stellenbosch University (SU)’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences recently created video stories in South African Sign Language (SASL). According to a media release by SU on 28… read more

  • Man of the Moment: Stanely  Msiska

    Man of the Moment: Stanely Msiska

    By Flavia Davids Doctoral candidate Stanely Chindikani Msiska’s achievement at Camp 2030 made Stellenbosch University (SU) the topic of international acclaim. Camp 2030 is an innovation lab centred around realising the United Nations (UN)’s Sustainable Development Goals… read more