Helshoogte Student to Face CDC After Urination Incident
By Anakin Curtis In the early hours of the morning on Thursday 22 September, a resident of Helshoogte Men’s Residence entered his room after a night out and urinated on his roommate’s chair and the floor. This… read more
Fossil Free (for all) Stellenbosch
By Tiaan Booyens Should institutions like Stellenbosch University (SU) be expected to take more direct climate action? Fossil Free Stellenbosch (FFS), an expanding group of students, alumni and faculty staff at SU calling for its divestment from… read more
Metanoia Anointing Incident Still Unresolved
By Ansela Sloman Following an incident where a number of students’ doors were anointed with oil crosses in Metanoia Residence last year, many victims still feel that no action has been taken by Stellenbosch University (SU) following… read more
Maties on Matters: Theuns du Toit’s Expulsion and Appeal
By Amber April In a bulletin released by Stellenbosch University (SU) on 21 July, SU’s independent Central Disciplinary Committee (CDC) announced that Theuns du Toit faced immediate expulsion from the university. This followed the disciplinary case that… read more
Oud-Matie Aangewys as Ekonoom van die Jaar
Deur Jan-Hendrik Pretorius Hugo Pienaar, oud-Matie en hoofekonoom van die Buro vir Ekonomiese Ondersoek (BEO) wat aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe geaffilieer is, is onlangs as die ekonoom van die jaar aangewys. … read more
Male Student Found Guilty of Sexual Misconduct
By Laura Mutyambizi The Central Disciplinary Committee (CDC) of Stellenbosch University (SU) recently found a student from Majuba Men’s Residence guilty of sexual misconduct. In a bulletin released by SU on 5 August, they announced that the… read more
Neelsie Facelift has Campus Abuzz
By Slade van Rooyen The Stellenbosch University (SU) campus has been a hive of activity since the start of the second semester, which saw a return to fully in-person lectures and a revival of campus life. This… read more
SU Once Again Ranked Amongst Top Universities Worldwide
By Anakin Curtis According to ShanghaiRanking’s 2022 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS), various faculties and departments at Stellenbosch University (SU) have been placed amongst the top 500 in the world. “The GRAS rankings use a range… read more
SRC Hopes for Greater Voter Turnout
By Ila Alberts It is election season and campus is buzzing. The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) elections will take place between 8 and 12 August. 15 candidates have put themselves forward for the council and made it… read more
Fedics and Catering Staff Set to Resolve Labour Dispute
By Slade van Rooyen Chants of “Fedics must fall” echoed down Claassen Street as Fedics employees engaged in lunch-hour protests against what they deemed to be unfair working conditions. Fedics is the catering division of Tsebo Solutions… read more
Studente in die Donker Oor Beurtkrag
Deur Ila Alberts Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se uitvoerende bedryfshoof, prof Stan du Plessis, het in ’n onlangse e-pos aan studente en belanghebbendes aangekondig dat kragopwekkers op kampus tydens landswye fase 4- tot 6-beurtkrag nie meer buite… read more
Verdict’s in: Theuns du Toit is Out
By Amber April Stellenbosch University’s (SU) independent Central Disciplinary Committee (CDC) recently gave their much anticipated verdict on the case against Theuns du Toit. This followed the disciplinary case made against Du Toit, who was filmed urinating… read more
Bring Your Ideas to Life in the Makerspace
By Kobus Erasmus Early last year, the Stellenbosch University Library opened the long-awaited Makerspace. The Makerspace is situated on the upper level of the library in room 1003. According to the library website, the facility features a… read more
LBAL Bied Inspirerende Beraad vir Studenteleiers
Deur Bradley Grovers Die Sentrum vir Studenteleierskap, Ervaringgerigte Opvoeding & Burgerskap (SSLEOB) se Leierskapsberaad vir Aspirante Leiers (LBAL) het onlangs plaasgevind en het studente, sowel as verskeie kundiges in hulle loopbaanvelde, bymekaar gebring. Die geleentheid, wat op… read more
Education Week: The Importance of Faculty Events
By Hannah Theron The Faculty of Education recently celebrated their second annual Education Week on campus. The event, which took place between 9 and 13 May, was initiated last year by the Education Student Committee (ESC), as… read more
‘This is What White Boys Do’: SU Students Outraged After Violation of Student’s Dignity at Huis Marais
By Aurelia Mouton and Alison Hermanus In what has been described as a “destructive, hurtful and racist incident”, a resident of Huis Marais Men’s Residence entered the room of another student and urinated on his belongings, according… read more
Student Constitution Revision Brings Change to Some SU Bodies
Flavia Davids and Lesedi Mnisi In line with Stellenbosch University (SU)’s revision policy, the SU Student Constitution was revised at the end of last year. The amendment of the Student Constitution—which, according to section 132(1), is to… read more
MSA Stellenbosch Gives Back on Freedom Day
By Ansela Sloman While many students were enjoying a day’s break from classes on Freedom Day, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) of Stellenbosch University took the opportunity to give back to the Stellenbosch community by hosting a… read more
Postgraduate Scientific Research Booming at SU
By Holly Mellin Stellenbosch University (SU)’s Science Faculty has a long history of being a front-runner in global research and development, with its polymer science research department ranked first in Africa. This is according to Dr Ndumiso… read more
Halaal Certified Residences Scarce on SU Campus
By Lesedi Mnisi Of the 31 undergraduate residences on the Stellenbosch University (SU) campus, which houses approximately 6500 students collectively, only five are certified to serve halaal meals. These residences include Metanoia Residence, Irene Women’s Residence, Goldfields… read more