Book club becomes SDS
BRYNLEY VAN AARDT Two days succeeding the Progress SA posters that marked Stellenbosch University campus, new posters with counter-arguments were seen in their place. These posters were put up by a new political society called Students for… read more
Tragedy strikes Stellenbosch
LIAN VAN WYK A fire has left all 164 residents of Huis ten Bosch Women’s Residence without a permanent roof over their heads. According to Wayne Smith, Fire Chief at the Stellenbosch Fire Department, the fire affected… read more
Sirenes loei in strate
MART-MARIE SERFONTEIN Die klank van sirenes het nog nie eens behoorlik in Stellenbosch-studente se ore ophou weergalm weens die brand by Huis ten Bosch Maandagaand nie, voor die dorp Dinsdagoggend omstreeks 08:30 weer geloei het. Hierdie keer… read more
Donations stream in for Huis ten Bosch ladies residence
“Overwhelmed and grateful.” This is how Ella van Rensburg, recently elected prim of Huis ten Bosch for the 2019/2020 term, describes her feelings about the support given by the Stellenbosch community after the devastating fire that raged… read more
Student’s death shocks campus
ERIN WALLS During the first week of the third term tragedy struck Huis Visser men’s residence. Leandró Hopley, a first year BCom (Management Sciences) student, passed away after an alleged alcohol related incident. After a night spent… read more
Nuwe skool en grade vir die US
SZ MINNAAR Matie het nou nóg meer kursusse om van te kies. Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het Maandagaand amptelik ’n nuwe skool vir datawetenskap enrekenaardenke by die Stellenbosse Instituut vir Gevorderde Studie (STIAS) bekendgestel. Die skool beplan om… read more
Kul jou hier, kul jou daar
DOMINIQUE FUCHS FaceApp het in die afgelope tyd die wêreld in rep en roer gehad met ’n aardige, kunsmatige intelligensiegedrewe vermoë om gebruikers ouer of jonger te laat lyk. Dié Russies-ontwikkelde toep is egter nou in die… read more
Coupons are more than just pieces of paper
NICOLE NASSON Stellumthombo, a Stellenbosch based non-profit foundation, through one of its charity programmes, Straatlig, aims to aid the Stellenbosch homeless population by means of a coupon project. Straatlig collaborated with Heartflow and Stellenbosch Night Shelter to… read more
Chaos: the order of the day
LOLITA DE ABREU The sitting held by Student Parliament on 7 May was anything but ordinary. With the late arrival of Parliament members, multiple outbursts of anger from the members of the house, and only two of… read more
Students accepting the ‘dare to be kind’ challenge
KATHRYN VAN DEN BERG Besides posters and advertisements put up by society organisers, FinAcc tutoring service providers and second-hand book salesmen, the Neelsie’s walls are decorated in colourful A4 posters with headings that speak of kindness. ‘Dare… read more
Kos vir kinders
RENÉ ESTERHUYSE Studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het die afgelope Saterdag bymekaar gekom om teen hongersnood en wanvoeding onder skoolkinders te veg. Con- nect, die US se fondsinsamelingsliggaam, het ‘n maaltydverpakkings geleentheid gehad wat die doel… read more
Undergraduates present while postgraduates present
SINESIPHO MBANGU MANY Stellenbosch University (SU) undergraduates are interested in postgraduate studies but might be unaware of what is expected of them if they further their studies. Russel Botman House and the Wimbledon Cluster have collaborated to… read more
QueerUs takes control of ‘Ag Mei’ week with pride
CARLA VISAGIE THE QueerUS society hosted a se- ries of events from 7 to 10 May to create a space for the queer com- munity to express themselves. “[The week was] in reference to the homophobic primary… read more
Something phishy in your email
MIA VAN DER MERWE Phishing can be a big problem. Phishing warnings flood the inboxes of students at Stellenbosch Uni- versity (SU) at regular intervals, alerting users against fraudulent emails containing links that could infect their devices… read more
Vierpotige vriende op die Rooiplein
Pets as Therapy (PAT) het hierdie week glimlagte op kampus versprei met studente wat die geleentheid gehad het om tyd met die honde te span- deer. Die geleentheid is deel van die SU Kindness Campaign, ’n student-gedrewe… read more
Studente soek pille vir eksamen
DOMINIQUE FUSCHS Die eksamen is om die draai en studente begin solank Concerta en Ritalin opgaar vir die paar weke van hel wat voorlê. Medikasie soos Concerta en Ritalin word normaalweg gebruikom ADHD (Aandagafleibaarheid-hiperaktiwiteitsindroom) te behandel. Dié… read more
Food moving student success
CARLA VISAGIE Ever since the launch of the #Move4Food campaign in August last year, the aim of raising R10 million in donations and funds in order to establish sustainable food banks at Stellenbosch University (SU), was high… read more
‘Totsiens’ to the old Eendrag anthem
NICOLE NASSON Eendrag men’s residence has introduced some big changes to their once Afrikaans-only residence anthem. Eendrag’s anthem previously consisted of two Afrikaans verses, but now comprises of one of the original Afrikaans verses, one English verse… read more
Klein gogga maak die Bosch se bome bang
CARLA VISAGIE DIE Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) Botaniese Tuin het op 8 April aangekondig dat ’n kewer wat groot skade aan Stellenbosch se eikebome kan aanrig onlangs in Somerset-Wes gevind is. Die stompneuskew-er of polifaag-skietgatboorder, in Engels die… read more
New artwork not just for the aesthetic
ERIN WALLS Sitting in a circle among the students on the grass of the Rooiplein is a new visual redress artwork. “The Circle”, as it is called, consists of influential women, past and present, who have had… read more