• Tuinmaak as terapie

    Tuinmaak as terapie

    MARYKÉ MÜLLER  Die Bishop Lavis- Rehabilitasiesentrum het aan die begin van 2019 ’n nuwe toevoeging gekry – ’n groentetuin. Die sentrum bied arbeidsterapie, fisioterapie, spraak-en gehoorterapie en dieetkunde aan, en die meerderheid van die dienste word deur… read more

  • TygerMaties trap fiets

    TygerMaties trap fiets

    MARYKÉ MÜLLER DERTIG TygerMaties gaan op 30 November vir eers hulle boeke opsy geskuif om 1000 km vanaf Namibië tot Agulhas per fiets aan te durf. Die Hippocampus-span is verlede jaar deur Breda Reed, Mias Marais en… read more

  • Markle skenk aan US

    Markle skenk aan US

    CARLA VISAGIE MEGHAN MARKLE, hertogin van Sussex en die beskermheer van die Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), het verlede Dinsdag aangekondig dat die ACU ’n bedrag geld van £1000 (ongeveer R18 500) aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US)… read more

  • Deathly silence hangs over the Rooiplein

    Deathly silence hangs over the Rooiplein

    CARLA VISAGIE Dagbreek Men’s Residence organised a silent protest from the entrance of the residence to the Rooiplein on Fri­day, 4 October. The approximately 30 protes­tors, dressed in black, had posters such as “STOP THE VIOLENCE END… read more

  • SRC can’t tie a member to chair

    SRC can’t tie a member to chair

    BRYNLEY VAN AARDT The Stellenbosch University (SU) Student Representa­tive Council (SRC) has had three of its newly elected members accused of sexual assault on social media. As a result, an extraordi­nary sexual harassment adviso­ry panel has been… read more

  • Anti-GBV makes a Memorable Memorandum

    Anti-GBV makes a Memorable Memorandum

    CATHARINA VAN DER MESCHT The Anti-GBV Student Movement of Stellenbosch started the new term by hosting a #TimeIsUp march during which a memorandum addressing men’s and mixed residences was handed over to the respective residences on campus.… read more

  • Dagga! Dagga! Read all about it here

    Dagga! Dagga! Read all about it here

    TOM LEE Canapax, a cannabis franchise that has established itself throughout South Africa, has opened one of its stores in Stellenbosch. The store specialises in the trade of various medicinal indigenous plants, such as Buchu and other… read more

  • Concerto of the Year

    Concerto of the Year

    RENÉ ESTERHUYSE & LAUREN WESLEY-SMITH This weekend saw the ninth iteration of the University of Stellenbosch Symphony Orchestra’s (USSO) Youth Concerto Festival. The Youth Concerto Festival takes place every second year and features some of the most… read more

  • Fietstrap vir Beurse

    Fietstrap vir Beurse

    MARYNA ADSHADE Prof. Wim de Villiers, rektor van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), en Carli van Wyk, SR-voorsitter (2018/2019), het gedurende die September-reses hul fietse afgestof om geld vir beurse in te samel. Van Wyk en De Villiers,… read more

  • Nuwe Graad by US

    Nuwe Graad by US

    AMBER PAYNTER HUIDIGE en toekomstige studente aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) sal binnekort grade in die biomediese ingenieurswese-veld kan studeer. Die Instituut vir Biomediese Ingenieurswese (IBE) het op 4 September aangekondig dat hulle vanaf 2020 en 2021… read more

  • Protest for the Planet

    Protest for the Planet

    TOM LEE STELLENBOSCH University (SU) students, along with students of the greater Cape Town area, marched in solidarity at the Global Climate Protest on 20 September outside Parliament. The Global Climate Protest took place worldwide, with cities… read more

  • Study Investigates if Rooibos can curb Obesity

    Study Investigates if Rooibos can curb Obesity

    Zahlé Eloff There have been many musings on the health benefits of Rooibos, but researchers at Stellenbosch University (SU) are currently doing a study to determine if these are mere speculations. The study, led by Dr Hanél… read more

  • Students Stand up for the Ecosystem

    Students Stand up for the Ecosystem

    Dominique Verster A newly established branch of the Extinction Rebellion (XR) organisation, XR Winelands, directed the movement towards Stellenbosch University (SU) on 27 August and decorated campus with various mysterious posters. According to the founder of XR… read more

  • SU Students Protest against Gender-Based Violence

    SU Students Protest against Gender-Based Violence

    BY CARLA VISAGIE The death and rape of Uyinene Mrwetyana, a University of Cape Town (UCT) student, was one of many events that sparked outrage and large-scale protest over gender-based violence across South Africa this past week.… read more

  • LLL Village to have last laugh?

    LLL Village to have last laugh?

    CATHARINA VAN DER MESCHT Residents of the Listen, Live & Learn (LLL) Village and supporters of the initiative have contested the decision made by Stellenbosch University management to convert the LLL Village into a senior residence in… read more

  • Chief Justice: Religion and politics?

    Chief Justice: Religion and politics?

    TOM LEE & AMBER PAYNTER Chief Justice, Mogoeng Mogoeng, was invited by Shofar Student’s Society to speak at an event held on 23 August in the Conservatorium. Sias Le Roux, a pastor at Shofar Stellenbosch, first met… read more

  • HTB: Die naskokke

    HTB: Die naskokke

    ANNERINE SNYMAN Die vuur wat op die aand van 12 Augustus in een van die kamers op Huis ten Bosch (HtB) se derde vloer uitgebreek het, het ál 164 inwoners tydelik sonder blyplek gelaat. In ’n verklaring,… read more

  • Eye in sky is changing Agriculture

    Eye in sky is changing Agriculture

    LOLITA DE ABREU Former Stellenbosch student Devin Osborne, who is now working with AGTech company, Aerobotics, gave a talk on 21 August in Lombardi 3001 about the future of agriculture under the assistance of Aerobotics. Osborn studied… read more

  • SU honours women on the Rooiplein

    SU honours women on the Rooiplein

    AMBER PAYNTER & LARA VAN HEERDEN Coinciding with Women’s Month, an art piece celebrating the vibrancy and leadership of South African women was inaugurated on the Stellenbosch University (SU) campus. On 26 August, an opening event was… read more

  • Battle of the SU societies

    Battle of the SU societies

    BRYNLEY VAN AARDT With two new political societies on campus that have opposing views, Stellenbosch University (SU) has become slightly more decorated with various posters put up by both Progress SA and Students for a Democratic Society.… read more