Students in Solidarity with Ukraine
Established 1941
BY BRADLEY GROVERS The political science department at Stellenbosch University (SU) has gained a new addition to their wide range of research units. Ursula van Beek, the director of the Centre for Research on Democracy (CREDO), mentioned that the newRead More
BY SLADE VAN ROOYEN The implementation of COVID-19 safety measures featured prominently in student communities’ plans for the annual welcoming programme. The nature of social interaction and academic life have changed considerably since the start of the pandemic, and thisRead More
BY SLADE VAN ROOYEN The Stellenbosch University (SU) Students’ Representative Council (SRC) recently attracted the attention of the Afrikaans advocacy group StudentePlein after two of its members alleged that two recent SRC communications had been published in English only. FollowingRead More
DEUR MIEKE DE WET Die Kairos Netwerk (KN), ’n groep behoudende gelowiges wat die NG Kerk wil reformeer, het onlangs die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se teologie-fakulteit gekritiseer vir die Queering the Prophet-konferensie. Dié konferensie is deur die Beyers Naudé SentrumRead More
BY AURELIA MOUTON The United Nations Association of South Africa (UNASA) hosted a peaceful protest and vigil in a show of solidarity with Ukraine on 1 March 2022. The event saw the collaboration of UNASA’s Stellenbosch University (SU) and UniversityRead More
DEUR ILA ALBERTS Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) Biblioteek is gedurende die afgelope jaar opgeknap te midde van die COVID-19-pandemie. Luidens persverklarings op die biblioteek se webtuiste het die proses op 29 Maart verlede jaar begin en was beplan om finaalRead More
DEUR MARYNA ADSHADE Huis Marais-manskoshuis se inwonende hoof, dr Johan Groenewald, het onlangs glo die k-woord gebruik in ’n vergadering met die koshuis se studenteleierskap. Ná die insident het die leierskap hom by die eenheid van gelykheid aangegee wat ondersoekRead More
BY FLAVIA DAVIDS In line with its mandate to serve the students of Stellenbosch University (SU), the Student Representative Council (SRC), in collaboration with the Academic Affairs Council (AAC), assisted students with outstanding debt by preparing appeals for readmission toRead More
BY SLADE VAN ROOYEN For many students, Dorp Bar on Andringa Street is a convenient place to socialise over a drink after class. This was the intention of BAHons Journalism student Giuseppe Guerandi, who identifies as non-binary, before things wentRead More
3 responsesDEUR DYLAN LEE Die afgelope twee jaar het die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se gemeenskap die implementering van beide die alkoholbeleid en ’n COVID-19-voorkomende besoekersbeleid gesien. Dié beleide het kampus- en koshuislewe tydens die 2020 en 2021 akademiese jare vir studenteRead More
BY AURELIA MOUTON & MARDENE VAN SCHALKWYK As 2022 approaches, the annual leadership transition at Stellenbosch University (SU) has begun. After the recent student leadership elections in August and their subsequent results, the 2021/2022 Students’ Representative Council (SRC) has officiallyRead More
DEUR ILA ALBERTS Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se kampus was aan die gons op 7 en 8 Oktober met studente van oral oor kampus wat sport gespeel het om sodoende deel te neem aan die Bridge the Gap-veldtog se jaarlikseRead More
DEUR ILA ALBERTS Kontrakteurs is sedert die begin van Oktober by die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se Botaniese Tuine besig met die bou van ’n nuwe uitstalling. Hierdie afdeling sal vier nuwe skaarse habitats huisves met baie bedreigde spesies. Dit beloofRead More
BY DYLAN LEE Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Institute of Sport and Exercise Medicine (ISEM) and Campus Health Services (CHS) recently launched their MaRooN (Maties Risk of Non-communicable disease) Health Passport project aimed at athletes, students, staff and other professionals as aRead More
BY MARYNA ADSHADE Sprekers van Kaaps sal binnekort kan spog met ’n woordeboek wat hulle variëteit ten toon stel. Dít is ná die Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research (CMDR) aan die Universiteit van die Wes-Kaap (UWK) en die nieregeringsorganisasieRead More
BY MART-MARIÉ SERFONTEIN A recent post on the Facebook group Stellenbosch Accommodation had many students incensed. On 4 October, Johan Fourie, one of the members on the Facebook group who posts about accommodation that he has for rent, posted aRead More
BY ANSELA SLOMAN Drink spiking is quickly turning fun, carefree evenings out in Stellenbosch into a minefield for students trying to enjoy the nightlife. Across town, students have recently come forth about drinks being spiked at different establishments; however, manyRead More
BY LIYABONA MQINA IYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch ithathe isigqibo sokuba incedisane nabafundi abakumabanga emfundo ephakamileyo, abenza isiXhosa njengo lwimi lwasekhaya. Incedisane nabo ngokuba ibandakanye ulwimi lwenkobe kwizixhobo zoluhlu eziqulathe ukhetho lwezifundo ezizokhethwa ngabafundi abaneenjongo zokufunda eSU abenza ibanga lethoba neleshumi elinanye. EliRead More
BY LAURA MUTYAMBIZI According to a 2016 article by The Business Standard, a daily business newspaper, South Africa is the rape capital of the world, with statistics showing that one in four males admit to having committed rape. This illustratesRead More