Students in Solidarity with Ukraine
Established 1941
BY BRADLEY GROVERS The political science department at Stellenbosch University (SU) has gained a new addition to their wide range of research units. Ursula van Beek, the director of the Centre for Research on Democracy (CREDO), mentioned that the newRead More
BY SLADE VAN ROOYEN The implementation of COVID-19 safety measures featured prominently in student communities’ plans for the annual welcoming programme. The nature of social interaction and academic life have changed considerably since the start of the pandemic, and thisRead More
BY SLADE VAN ROOYEN The Stellenbosch University (SU) Students’ Representative Council (SRC) recently attracted the attention of the Afrikaans advocacy group StudentePlein after two of its members alleged that two recent SRC communications had been published in English only. FollowingRead More
DEUR MIEKE DE WET Die Kairos Netwerk (KN), ’n groep behoudende gelowiges wat die NG Kerk wil reformeer, het onlangs die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se teologie-fakulteit gekritiseer vir die Queering the Prophet-konferensie. Dié konferensie is deur die Beyers Naudé SentrumRead More
DEUR SKYLA THORNTON (VERTAAL DEUR MIEKE DE WET) Wanneer die temperature in Stellenbosch styg na ’n folterende hitte, vind sommige studente dit moeilik om op hulle studies te fokus of om enigiets anders te doen as om oor die hitteRead More
BY ALISON HERMANUS So, you’ve just started your first year at Stellenbosch University (SU), now what? Your first year at university is a time filled with new classes, new faces and a completely new environment. Whilst this can all beRead More
BY JEAN-MARIE UYS It is no secret that wine culture has long been an integral part of the Stellenbosch experience. The charming streets of the old town welcomed new hangouts to indulge in a glass (or a few) at theRead More
BY TIAAN BOOYENS Simonsberg-manskoshuis se ikoniese Metropolitan (oftewel Met) het dié jaar sy 60ste bestaansjaar gevier. Dit was die eerste, en moontlik een van die grootste, koshuisgeleenthede van die jaar. “Die Withuis” het die eerste week van klas ingelui metRead More
BY STELLA JOUBERT Many people often find themselves growing tired of their daily routine and in need of a new activity to do, spot to visit, or path to walk. Luckily, Stellenbosch has many places that can scratch this itchRead More
BY SIBELLA SWANEPOEL New generation psychedelic rock band Moskitos will be dropping their debut EP, Adieu Or Die, on 17 March. Inspired by their mutual love for 60s sound and early psychedelia, this Stellenbosch trio is producing a sound thatRead More
BY KEZIAH MEYER AND ALISON HERMANUS Picture this: it’s a typical Stellies summer day; the sun is beating down on you as you walk across the Rooiplein; and you have a sudden craving for ice cream. Luckily, not far fromRead More
BY FLAVIA DAVIDS A desire to create an affordable and easily accessible luxury brand for young people is what drove two Stellenbosch University (SU) students to start Cuban Fourth. Final-year BAcc student and Simonsberg Residence prim Simeon September, and MatieRead More
BY ARSHIA RAMLUCKUN The academic year has officially begun, but it has been anything but smooth sailing for many students. After completing two years online, one would think that Stellenbosch University (SU) students would be used to it all. “TheRead More
BY SKYLA THORNTON An idyllic way to spend time exploring Stellenbosch and take a break from studying is to experience the culture and beauty of the town. There are few better ways to do this than by taking a strollRead More
DEUR TIAAN BOOYENS Sommer só oor ’n somervakansie in die slaapkamer van sy kinderjare het Kobus Erasmus, oftewel Kobus. met ’n punt, sy nuwe Verlengde Speeltyd (VS) Stopstraat aanmekaar geslaan en vrygestel. Dié eerstejaar-BA (Taal en Kultuur)-student se eksperimentele viersnit-projekRead More