By Brynley Van Aardt For the first time in Stellenbosch University (SU) history, popular newcomer event, Vensters, will be held virtually which allows the event to continue in a time where large social gatherings have had to… read more
Lig aan die einde van beurtkrag vir Stellenbosch
DEUR TIVAN LEAK Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit gaan moontlik die land se eerste munisipaliteit sonder beurtkrag word. Die Stellenbosch Munisipale Raad het einde Januarie eenparige goedkeuring verleen om ’n wetenskaplike ondersoek, aangaande die gebruik en opwekking van alternatiewe elektrisiteitsvoorsiening, van… read more
Jan Mouton Leersentrum open binnekort sy deure
By Karla Van Der Merwe Na ’n lang afwagting op die voltooing van die oorsprong van al die werskaf langs die Neelsie, is die wag byna verby. Die Jan Mouton Leersentrum, wat as algemene leerfasiliteit vir studente… read more
Prof Schoonwinkel groet US na 28 jaar
By William Sezoe Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het onlangs bekend gemaak dat prof Arnold Schoonwinkel aan die einde van die jaar van sy posisie as Viserektor vir Leer en Onderrig (L&O) sal uittree. Schoonwinkel se posisie gaan vanaf… read more
By Megan Brink and Carla Visagie There is no doubt that for the majority of Stellenbosch students and townspeople Pulp Cinema is a flagship association with the Neelsie Student Centre, a cornerstone of the community. However, the… read more
Maties vereer by eerste virtuele Rektorstoekenning
DEUR WILLIAM SEZOE Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) en die Studenteraad se jaarlikse Rektorstoekenning vir Uitnemende Prestasie is vanjaar op 1 Oktober vir die eerste keer sedert dit in 2008 begin is, virtueel gevier. Hierdie toekenning word aan… read more
BY KARLA VAN DER MERWE In ʼn persverklaring van Maandag 17 Augustus, het die Nasionale Studente Finansiëlehulpskema (NSFAS) aangekondig dat ʼn totaal van 5000 studente nie meer befondsing van die organisasie sal ontvang nie. Die besluit is… read more
BY CARLA VISAGIE & MEGAN BRINK Residence and PSO (Private Student Organisation) house corridors have been empty for the past five months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and for the first time ever, all residence, PSO and… read more
Huis Marais to lose their Home
BY BRYNLEY VAN AARDT Stellenbosch University (SU) students received an unexpected email from Prof Arnold Schoonwinkel, SU Vice-Rector, on Monday: Learning and Teaching, informing them that Huis Marais is going to make place for a new co-ed… read more
DA v SU – another round
By Mart-Marié Serfontein Stellenbosch University (SU) is once again in the national spotlight, but this time it’s not for academic excellence. The appointment of the retired Constitutional Court judge, Edwin Cameron, as Chancellor of SU, has been… read more
2020 SRC elections break records amidst pandemic
BY BRYNLEY VAN AARDT Stellenbosch University (SU) Students Representative Council (SRC) elections have achieved new heights, according to ElectUS. This will be the first time the SRC has gone completely digital. “I think with remote learning and… read more
#JozitoStellenbosch makes their message clear
BY ERIN WALLS A group, which describes themselves as a political organisation called “#JozitoStellenbosch”, organised an illegal protest on Wednesday. The group had planned to walk from Kayamandi to Stellenbosch’s CBD. However, the SAPS prevented them from… read more
Cabinet adjusts curfew after restaurant protests countrywide
BY CARLA VISAGIE Following the recent protests of businesses from the restaurant and hospitality industries countrywide minister of tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, announced the easing of lockdown regulations on Thursday, 30 July, in her online media briefing. “To… read more
Municipality workers strike over no salary increase
BY ERIN WALLS A group of municipal workers from the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) participated in an illegal strike on 27 July in Stellenbosch, where they demanded salary increases, which were recently denied by the… read more
US-onderwysstudente reik uit vir Mandeladag
DEUR WILLIAM SEZOE Die Opvoedkunde Studentekomitee (OSK) van die Fakulteit Opvoedkunde aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het op Donderdag 16 Julie gesigmaskers en handsaniteerders aan verskeie plaaslike laerskole uitgedeel ter viering van Mandeladag. Dié dag word jaarliks… read more
Maties back to the Bib in third term
BY KIRSTY BUCHOLZ The Stellenbosch University (SU) Library and Information Service has announced the new procedures for the use of library services from 6 July 2020 onwards. The new protocols act as preparation for the return of… read more
HealthCheck help Korona keer
DEUR DOMINIQUE FUCHS Die eerste 33% van Maties keer tans terug na kampus terwyl die res van die studente voortgaan met aanlyn-leer. Studente wat geprioritiseer word om terug te keer, sluit in studente wat verpligte akademiese werk… read more
Matie-onderwysstudente motiveer matrieks landwyd
DEUR WILLIAM SEZOE Onderwysstudente aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het onlangs ’n Matriek Oorlewingshandleiding vrygestel met wenke en lewensadvies om die klas van 2020 te help. Die Matie het vroeër berig oor hierdie studente wat deel is… read more
Who can go back to the Bos?
BY CARLA VISAGIE Prof Stan du Plessis, Institutional Committee for Business Continuity Chair (ICBC), announced, in an email to students on 15 June, which categories of students will be allowed to return to campus. According to the… read more
Grendelstaat ruk Stellenbosch-besighede
DEUR DOMINIQUE FUCHS Die Covid-19-pandemie het die wêreld se ekonomie tot stilstand geruk. In Stellenbosch het talle besighede al hulle deure gesluit. Van studente se gunstelingrestaurante – Meraki en All Things Good – het beide onlangs hulle… read more