The learning forecast for Stellenbosch University
BY MEGAN BRINK With all intentions set on salvaging the 2020 academic year, and the highly anticipated drop to level 3, selected students have returned to campus as of Monday 1 June. During his speech on 23… read more
Medelye stroom in vir US-prof.
DEUR WILLIAM SEZOE Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) is in rou gelaat na die afsterwe van die geliefde prof. Mary-Anne Plaatjies van Huffel, ook bekend as prof. MA. Sy was verbonde aan die fakulteit teologie, en was die… read more
No NBTs Needed for 2021
BY BRYNLEY VAN AARDT The spread of COVID-19 across the country has resulted in the waiving of the National Benchmark Test (NBT) for Stellenbosch University (SU) applications for 2021. NBTs were previously used by SU, in their… read more
We Fight Back Covid neem inisiatief in tyd van nood
DEUR KARLA VAN DER MERWE Met COVID-19 wat tans ’n groter aanvraag op persoonlike beskermende toerusting vir mediese personeel plaas, bied die We Fight Back COVID-komitee, ’n studente-vrywilligersgroep op die Tygerbergkampus, ’n oplossing in die vorm van… read more
US-onderwysstudente neem voortou in e-leer
DEUR WILLIAM SEZOE Met onderwysstudente wat nie meer hulle praktiese ondervinding kan kry nie as gevolg van skole wat steeds gesluit is weens Covid-19, het onderwysstudente aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) onlangs gratis aktiwiteitspakkette vrygestel om steeds… read more
SU crash-lands into online learning
BY BRYNLEY VAN AARDT Stellenbosch University (SU) Management, along with the Institutional Committee for Business Continuity (ICBC), have made various arrangements so that the 2020 academic year can continue for SU students from 20 April via online… read more
Learning On-the-line for SU students
BY MEGAN BRINK Stellenbosch University (SU) staff and students are preparing to enter unventured territory as 20 April looms closer. Prof Wim De Villiers, Rector and Vice Chancellor of SU, released a statement on 26 March stating… read more
South Africa behind bars
All you need to know about South Africa behind bars BY CARLA VISAGIE With the number of Coronavirus cases in South Africa rising to 402 on Monday, Cyril Ramaphosa, president of South Africa, has announced extraordinary measures… read more
Meta HK reinstated, Maintenance problems the real cause
BY BRYNLEY VAN AARDT An incidence of alleged negligence by a Metanoia House Committee (HK) member resulted in the said HK member handing in their letter of resignation. Five days later, this letter was formally rejected by… read more
First gender indaba
BY AMERYN PETERS IN light of International Women’s day having been on 8 March, several events took place highlighting issues relating to gender and gender-based violence. One of these events included a collaboration between the Students for… read more
Gender theme for ULC
BY LESEDI MNISI The theme of the Ubuntu Learning Community (ULC) short course for 2020 is “We are because I am: Changing selves and communities”. This theme will be explored through the perspectives of law, literature, history,… read more
Kora kraai koning
BY WILLIAM SEZOE PROF. Menán du Plessis, navorsingsgenoot by die Departement Algemene Taalwetenskap, is op 6 Maart vir die Hiddingh Currie-toekenning deur UNISA bekroon vir haar uitgebreide navorsing op die verlore Khoisan-taal Kora (of !Ora in die… read more
Thuli taking action
BY TOM LEE Prof Thuli Madonsela, the Law Trust Chair in Social Justice at Stellenbosch University (SU), members of the SU Student Representative Council (SRC) and certain student political organisations, officially launched the Action for Inclusion campaign… read more
Cameron in die knyp oor posisie
BY MART-MARIE SERFONTEIN Die stof rondom Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se nuwe kanselier, Edwin Cameron, het steeds nie gaan lê nie. Kontroversie rondom sy verkiesing tot die posisie het voorverlede Vrydag weer kop uitgesteek toe daar op 28… read more
The whistle blows for the wild Willows
BY BRYNLEY VAN AARDT After Wilgenhof men’s residence has come under fire for an alleged homophobic incident during the welcoming period, Stellenbosch University (SU)Management have taken action against the residence. Dr Choice Makhetha, Senior Director of Student… read more
Halaal controversy in Neelsie Spar
BY ERIN WALLS The KwikSpar in the Neelsie is allegedly not adhering to the necessary Halaal practices during the preparation of its food. Although the Spar is in possession of and displays a Halaal certificate, some Muslim… read more
Solving road freight
BY ERIN WALLS Dr. Lee-Anne Terblanche, Stellenbosch University (SU) alumna, has come up with a decarbonisation framework which has the aim to tackle the large amounts of carbon emissions produced from road freight transport, the second largest… read more
Say yes to the SU Redress
BY CARLA VISAGIE After the final draft of the Visual Redress Policy was granted approval at the Stellenbosch University (SU) Council meeting last year, various changes to the visual landscape will continue to happen throughout the year.… read more
Verlore Valentynsdag
DEUR DOMINIQUE VERSTER TERWYL die meeste paartjies ’n romantiese aand saam op Valentynsdag spandeer het, het John Briers (Universiteit Stellenbosch BIng-alumnus) en Carla Visagie (derdejaar-BA(Geesteswetenskappe)-student) soos wafferse fortuinsoekers vir hul gesteelde items in die Eersterivierloop gesoek. Briers… read more
Dennis Davis delf diep in geregtheidsdebat
BY CARLA VISAGIE REGTER-PRESIDENT Dennis Davis het op Wêreldwye Sosiale Geregtigheidsdag die inwydingsrede van die jaarlikse Sosiale Geregtigheid-lesing gelewer. Die lesing het op 20 Februarie plaasgevind en is getitel “Sosiale Geregtigheid en Ekonomiese Insluiting: Waarheen Suid- Afrika?”.… read more