• Nuwe Uitstalling by die Botaniese Tuine Onder Konstruksie

    Nuwe Uitstalling by die Botaniese Tuine Onder Konstruksie

    DEUR ILA ALBERTS Kontrakteurs is sedert die begin van Oktober by die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se Botaniese Tuine besig met die bou van ’n nuwe uitstalling. Hierdie afdeling sal vier nuwe skaarse habitats huisves met baie bedreigde… read more

  • Maties’ Own Health Passport

    Maties’ Own Health Passport

    BY DYLAN LEE Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Institute of Sport and Exercise Medicine (ISEM) and Campus Health Services (CHS) recently launched their MaRooN (Maties Risk of Non-communicable disease) Health Passport project aimed at athletes, students, staff and other… read more

  • Kaaps Word Bekragtig: Die Eerste Kaaps-woordeboek en Verdere Insluiting in die WAT

    Kaaps Word Bekragtig: Die Eerste Kaaps-woordeboek en Verdere Insluiting in die WAT

    BY MARYNA ADSHADE Sprekers van Kaaps sal binnekort kan spog met ’n woordeboek wat hulle variëteit ten toon stel. Dít is ná die Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research (CMDR) aan die Universiteit van die Wes-Kaap (UWK)… read more

  • Welgevonden Zoning Enforcements Not Well Received

    Welgevonden Zoning Enforcements Not Well Received

    BY MART-MARIÉ SERFONTEIN A recent post on the Facebook group Stellenbosch Accommodation had many students incensed. On 4 October, Johan Fourie, one of the members on the Facebook group who posts about accommodation that he has for… read more

  • Drink Spiking in Stellenbosch: Its Impact on Students and Why It Is Hardly Reported

    Drink Spiking in Stellenbosch: Its Impact on Students and Why It Is Hardly Reported

    BY ANSELA SLOMAN Drink spiking is quickly turning fun, carefree evenings out in Stellenbosch into a minefield for students trying to enjoy the nightlife. Across town, students have recently come forth about drinks being spiked at different… read more

  • Ikamva Labafundi Libalulekile Kwi-Yunivesithi Yase-Stellenbosch

    Ikamva Labafundi Libalulekile Kwi-Yunivesithi Yase-Stellenbosch

    BY LIYABONA MQINA IYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch ithathe isigqibo sokuba incedisane nabafundi abakumabanga emfundo ephakamileyo, abenza isiXhosa njengo lwimi lwasekhaya. Incedisane nabo ngokuba ibandakanye ulwimi lwenkobe kwizixhobo zoluhlu eziqulathe ukhetho lwezifundo ezizokhethwa ngabafundi abaneenjongo zokufunda eSU abenza ibanga lethoba… read more

  • Don’t Stop the Conversation: Rape Culture and Gender-Based Violence on Campus

    Don’t Stop the Conversation: Rape Culture and Gender-Based Violence on Campus

    BY LAURA MUTYAMBIZI  According to a 2016 article by The Business Standard, a daily business newspaper, South Africa is the rape capital of the world, with statistics showing that one in four males admit to having committed… read more

  • Matie Researchers Contribute to Potential COVID-19 Breakthrough

    Matie Researchers Contribute to Potential COVID-19 Breakthrough

    BY FLAVIA DAVIDS  Stellenbosch University (SU) has been catapulted into the world of scientific breakthroughs with the unexpected discovery of a potential cause of long-lasting COVID-19 symptoms (or “long COVID” as it is colloquially known). The Haematology… read more

  • The New Application System Makes Provision for PSO Preference

    The New Application System Makes Provision for PSO Preference

    BY ARSHIA RAMLUCKUN Stellenbosch University (SU) has recently implemented a new SUNStudent application system that provides applicants with the chance to indicate a preference of Private Student Organisation (PSO) community when selecting their residence preference, hence providing… read more

  • Compulsory Vaccination in Consideration for SU Staff and Students

    Compulsory Vaccination in Consideration for SU Staff and Students

    BY AURELIA MOUTON Amidst nation-wide controversy and calls from staff to release an official mandate for compulsory vaccinations, the Stellenbosch University (SU) Council met on 27 September to discuss the matter. As the next academic year approaches,… read more

  • US nou Hoër op Wêreldranglys

    US nou Hoër op Wêreldranglys

    DEUR MARYNA ADSHADE Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het onlangs sy posisie op Times Higher Education (THE) se wêrelduniversiteitsranglys (WUR) vir 2022 verbeter en is nou die tweede beste universiteit in Suid-Afrika. Só lui ’n mediaverklaring wat op… read more

  • The Neelsie’s ‘Cell Version’ Under Scrutiny

    The Neelsie’s ‘Cell Version’ Under Scrutiny

    BY KERSTIN LEE Various reports have recently come to light regarding the quality of service some students have received from Cell Version, a cell phone store owned by Fardeen Khan and situated in the Neelsie. Some students… read more

  • Hersiende Taalbeleid Skep Moontlikheid vir ’n Meertalige Toekoms

    Hersiende Taalbeleid Skep Moontlikheid vir ’n Meertalige Toekoms

    BY DYLAN LEE Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se hersiende taalbeleid is in die laaste fases van die skep van ’n finale konsep-weergawe wat vyf jaar ná die implementering daarvan in 2017 in werking sal tree in 2022,… read more

  • ’n Kalkoen van Vele Vere

    ’n Kalkoen van Vele Vere

    DEUR MIA VAN DER MERWE Die Universiteit Stellenbosch Botaniese Tuin het onlangs op hulle Instagram-blad (@subotgarden) aangekondig dat hulle ’n kalkoen op hulle gronde ontdek het. Die kalkoen is op 11 Augustus deur Bonakele Mpecheni, die botaniese… read more

  • Out With The Old, in With The New

    Out With The Old, in With The New

    BY FLAVIA DAVIDS After weeks of caucuses, elections and campaigning, election season at Stellenbosch University (SU) is coming to a formal end. As the tenure of the 2020/2021 Student Representative Council (SRC) came to an end, new… read more

  • SUJK: Profit Over Charity

    SUJK: Profit Over Charity

    BY LAURA MUTYAMBIZI The SU Just Kidding (SUJK) Instagram page (@sujustkidding) recently came under scrutiny after they requested on 20 July that students donate textbooks to help other less fortunate students. However, they seemingly planned to use… read more

  • BeWell and Be There!

    BeWell and Be There!

    BY FLAVIA DAVIDS The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people interact with one another. This sentiment rings especially true for mentorship at Stellenbosch University (SU), a long-standing tradition of over 40 years. In order to gain… read more

  • To Vote or Not To Vote…

    To Vote or Not To Vote…

    Who is the SRC and why does it matter? BY AURELIA MOUTON AND FLAVIA DAVIDS As August draws to a close, election season at Stellenbosch University (SU) is in full swing. Newly elected HK members and prims… read more

  • Golden Week vir COVID-19 in Koshuise

    Golden Week vir COVID-19 in Koshuise

    DEUR ILA ALBERTS Koshuise op die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se kampus is bekend daarvoor dat hulle gons met sosiale aktiwiteite. Dit is egter die afgelope paar weke nie meer die geval nie, sedert rekordgetalle COVID-19-gevalle aangemeld is.… read more