The buzz in the bos
BY JEAN-MARIE UYS THOSE who have been in Stellenbosch long enough might have known the space above De Akker as Hank’s Whiskey Bar. The Loft Events and Co. (better known as The Loft) is, however, the new kid on theRead More
Established 1941
BY JEAN-MARIE UYS THOSE who have been in Stellenbosch long enough might have known the space above De Akker as Hank’s Whiskey Bar. The Loft Events and Co. (better known as The Loft) is, however, the new kid on theRead More
Mia van der Merwe has provided some tips and tricks to help you dress more like a Stellebosch student THE 90S ARE BACK THIS outfit has a 90s inspired feeling to it. A pair of blue mom jeans is pairedRead More
BY ZAHLE ELOFF When some students start their first year at Stellenbosch University (SU) they want to know the do’s and don’ts to help them get through their studies smoothly. However, the don’ts in terms of what not to doRead More
BY GABRIELA VILJOEN Is jou vellies uitgehonger vir ’n lekker sokkie, maar jou gemoed gaan dit nie maak om nóg ’n aand Catwalk se klein, deurmekaar sokkie-dansvloer aan te pak nie? Moenie vrees nie, ons het net die plekke virRead More
BY BRYNLEY VAN AARDT Stellenbosch University (SU) students have been confused as to what the recent ban of alcohol consumption in residences means for the future of Huisdans, Huisfondsdans and the sale of alcohol at Varsity Cup on Monday nights.Read More
BY BRYNLEY VAN AARDT For the better part of a year, rumours have been circulating about whether the Drostdy Square, commonly known as “The Square”, will be closing. Those rumours have now been proven true. After receiving most of theRead More
BY DOMINIQUE FUCHS Cheese App is ’n splinternuwe toepassing waar koepons aanlyn vir minderbevoorregtes gekoop kan word. Dié toepassing bou voort op die Heartflow-koepons. Heartflow is ’n organisasie wat saam met vennote soos die Stellenbosch-nagskuiling werk om vir weldoeners dieRead More
BY KIRSTY BUCHOLZ AFTER postponing the election of the 2019/2020 SRC Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson since September last year, the election took place on Friday, 7 February. According to the minutes of a Student Parliament meeting held on 3 October lastRead More
BY DOMINIQUE VERSTER THE women of Huis ten Bosch seem to have a prolonged stay at Huis Marais ahead of them. The men’s residence will supposedly be their home until 2021, while Huis ten Bosch is being repaired and renovatedRead More
BY DOMINIQUE FUCHS & CARLA VISAGIE Vir die eerste keer sedert die anti-geslagsgebasseerde geweld (GGG) protesoptogte verlede jaar in September gehou is, is die name van die voorsitters van ses werkgroepe bekendgestel wat verantwoordelik sal wees vir hantering van ’nRead More
BY ERIN WALLS Marzelle van der Merwe and her boyfriend, Alex Ham and their dog had a violent experience at Coetzenburg on Tuesday evening. They were confronted by five men armed with an electric cattle prod. Van der Merwe, aRead More
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