by Emma Hamman

The Rugby World Cup is well underway and the Bokke are currently second in their pool following Ireland. With the World Cup Final only a month away, Bok fever has taken over Stellenbosch and game days are celebrated louder than ever.
If you’re wanting to join the masses in their green and gold shirts, Stellenbosch has many options.
Kaapstadt Brauhouse is one of the favourites on the list, with the restaurant urging students to book a table in advance. De Lapa is promising a free ‘springbokkie’ shot for the first 50 supporters in Springbok shirts and is showing the game on 5 TV’s and a projector screen, so they also recommend booking specifically for the rugby.
Centraal is offering a handful of drink specials, including a Brooks Hard Seltzer bucket for R200 or a bottle of Pushkin with six BOS iced teas at R480 as some of their limited offers. When watching at Casa Cerveza, purchasing a 500ml Heineken gives you a chance to win a Heineken cooler filled with stock—the winner will be announced on 28 October.
Bohemia brags thematic drink specials and gives you free shots if the player selected for your table scores, so make sure to select tables deliberately! Dorp shows the rugby upstairs, downstairs, outside, and on the dance floor; no matter where you go, your eyes never need to leave the screen.
For a more wholesome evening, join Wijnhuis on Adringa Street for a glass of wine and (not as distinguished) rugby time. Craft, across the street, is another option if you want to pair quality food with quality entertainment.
The Stellenbosch-typical enthusiasm is heightened in this season, so one might as well join the patriotism and support the town and the country.