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Cape Town based singer-songwriter Elle E is a self-taught musician who initially started her solo career as a side project to her two already existing bands – Two Stroke and Catwalk Trash.

Now that Ellenie Eloff, aka Elle E, has decided to focus on being asolo artist she has the freedom to do with her music what she wants.

On working as a solo artist Eloffsays: “It’s very challenging but worth it. I can take the music into any direction I want and work at the pace I want. As is I am constantly crafting my songs and writing new ones. The wheel keeps turning.”

The products of this new-foundfreedom are her raw, DIY, catchy garage rock tunes, as she describesthem.

Her first album Etiquette has been described as more playful than her previous releases. Elle E simply wants her music to “make people feel good when they listen to it”.

The biggest challenge in creatingher music has been to define her soundand style. “Getting your guitar tone the way you want it is a continuousprocess,” said Eloff.

Her music has evolved a lot sinceshe first started her solo career and itstill continues to evolve.

“I started out playing guitar, bass drum and hi-hats with my feet while singing at the same time. Everyone sucks when they start out but you just have to keep going,” said Eloff.

Regarding her future, one of ElleE’s goals would be to collaborate withJack White and make the most of theopportunities that present themselves.

“I want to play at as many shows and festivals as I can and also do a littletour to Johannesburg and Pretoria.”

Elle E also plans to record new songs in studio and “bring in some extra musicians to make things even louder”.

To find out more about some of Elle E’s upcoming events, follow heron social media at or take a look at her website:

Photo: Supplied

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