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 Anthea Myburgh from Ubuntu Healing hosted an experimental workshop on Saturday 12 June with a small group of horses and clay explorations. The workshop took place at Monte Cavalo Stud Farm and Livery, along the R44 near Klapmuts. Ubuntu Healing offers a “variety of alternative healing services for both humans and animals.” Myburgh focuses on “animal or interspecies communication, family and systemic constellations as well as hands-on energy fascial trauma release” practices. 

After 27 years in the tourism industry, Myburgh set out to become a facilitator in alternative healing services. Although Myburgh has had training in different modalities, her practices are largely based on the work of German psychotherapist, Bert Hellinger. Hellinger’s therapeutic method is best known as Family Constellations and Systemic Constellations.

Constellations are explained as living systems that are defined by the relationship between individual entities, and the nature of the flow of energy and love in these relationships. Hellinger’s Family constellations are designed to aid in revealing hidden dynamics in relationships, in order to address stressors that affect these relationships and heal them. 

Myburgh became qualified in Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) after completing the OMEGA-EAL Facilitator training with Claudia Vassão in 2018. She continued her training in Shamanic Family Constellations with trainer Guilherme Barcellos from Brazil. Myburgh will complete her training this year. Furthermore, Myburgh started an intensive advanced Art Therapy and Constellations training with Pia Storm Kalhof from Norway this year. 

Art Therapy and Constellations training is aimed at exploring one’s subconscious. In doing so, one may uncover possible mental and spiritual blockages that prevent us from “emerging fully into our life”. This therapeutic method includes art therapy, which is based on the principles of behaviourist psychologist, Carl Jung. 

Myburgh is currently working towards completing her thesis in Art Therapy and Constellations in mid-June this year. Through her journey in animal communication, art therapy and constellations, together with her love for horses and art, Myburgh has found a way to bring all these elements together. The Healing with Horses and Art workshop is born. The experimental workshop is aimed at uncovering and “finding a way through (or around)” potential blockages and obstacles, such as limiting beliefs or fears, that are preventing us from living life to its full potential. 

Jean-Marie Uys interacts with one of the horses during the course of the workshop. Photo: Supplied.

The workshop begins with a simple meditation and a subsequent exploration with clay (or any other form of art) in order to uncover these potential blockages and obstacles. Drawing on Jung’s principles, participants are made aware of their subconscious by making hidden blockages or obstacles visible through the creative process. Thereafter, the process of healing is continued through experimental encounters with the horses, both in individual and group exercises. 

“The horses as fight/flight animals (Outer Herd) are sensitive to our internal emotions (Inner Herd) and respond to these subtle emotions, making them the perfect mirrors and teachers to help us move through things that can challenge us”, Myburgh explains. 

Through the process of harmonising one’s internal emotions and gaining the horses’ trust, healing is able to happen. 

Hellinger’s Family Constellation principles are applied as participants are guided to follow the “Movement of The Field” to uncover what is present, both within oneself and one’s surrounding relationships. Through partnering with the horses, participants are made aware of, and aided in navigating the hidden obstacles and blockages of their inner lives. 

Healing with Horses and Art does not require any previous experience with horses or art. The interaction with horses does not include riding them. Myburgh aims at hosting more workshops with horses and art in the future. She highly recommends the experience to anyone. Myburgh works privately and in groups. These ‘in person’ or online experiences encourage people to “deepen their connection with Nature, and thereby with their own true inner nature”. 

Myburgh states: “I want to help people reconnect in nature. That is really my thing. I started last year already, doing online zoom constellation workshops. As my training with the art has [progressed], I have been bringing that in as well.”


  1. Gui Tantan says:

    Wonderful Work. Thank you!

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