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 For all you theatre freaks out there, Woordfees is back! The same festival that brought you Die Gangsters, Tien Duisend Ton, Endgame and Katvoet has re­turned with a variety of new pro­ductions and fresh Stellenbosch University (SU) talent. Here is a sneak peek into the Woordfees theatre line-up of this year:

Bless” die blou bal

“Bless” die blou bal is an Afri­kaans comedy that questions the nature of virginity and sex as a societal norm. The play revolves around the crisis that character Kristen Cilliers faces as she slow­ly approaches her 30th birthday as a virgin.

“The play is a quirky take on what it means to be a virgin and the pressure that people experi­ence to be sexually active and su­per open when sometimes they’re just not inherently that way,” explains “Bless” die blou bal actress Ayden Kruger*.

“We performed this play last year and the audience loved it; they were rolling on the floor. I would really recommend it to any student,” Kruger said.

The production also features some talent from the local SU dra­ma department, namely Jean du Plessis, Ayden Kruger, Conradie van Heerden, Anya Human and Melissa Myburgh.

Extra Large, please?

Produced and written by Matie drama alumnus Mercy Kannemeyer, the comedy Extra Large, please? delivers significant­ly relevant commentary on the unrealistic beauty ideals that are perpetuated by the fashion in­dustry. The production manages to deal with such an important topic in an enormously funny way and remains a hit at every performance.

Wag, wat?

Wag, wat? is a fast paced, sharp and witty comedy written and di­rected by Matie drama alumnus and Tydelik Terminaal star Carla Smith. The story follows the devel­opment of two familiar strangers’ relationship and introduces themes of life and death, life after death, gender roles and power struggles within relationships.

“It’s fun; it doesn’t drag. It’s got Adam and Eve at the centre and people can perceive them as dra­matic and boring, but it’s not a cri­tique on the religion or a [religious drama]. It focuses more on Eve’s perspective of what happened after her apple-sinning-catastro­phe,” explains the stage-manager Andrea Hofmeyer.

Alongside Smith, who plays Eve in the production, you’ll find Wian Taljaard from kykNET’s Lui maar op, Belinda.

Slavenhuis 39

Written by Matie drama alum­nus Herschelle Benjamin, Slaven­huis 39, is a student drama that seeks to explore themes surround­ing masculinity, gangsterism, reli­gion, racism, culture, sexuality and humanity.

The play focuses on the internal and interpersonal conflict that four young coloured students of SU face when they move into a flat that previously acted as a slave lodge during colonial era Stellenbosch. In the process, they are spurred to question their heritage and also what it means to be coloured in modern day South Africa.

Lycra and petticoats

This play, while also being writ­ten and directed by Carla Smith, is a fast-paced comedy that tells the untold story of getting a theatre production together. The play sets a kind of frame narrative wherein seven theatre performers have to overcome various obstacles in their preparation for their final dress re­hearsal of Romeo and Juliet.

According to the stage man­ager, Andrea Hofmeyer, the play speaks to a young, student audi­ence and continues to be a hit at every performance.

*This is a correction of an error made in the paper. Melissa Myburgh is the writer and director of the play, not Ayden Kruger.

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