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Rebecca Pitt

Together with former Springbok cyclist, Carinus Lemmer, and a team from Kayamandi, Wim de Villiers, rector and vice chancellor of Stellenbosch University (SU), will participate in the Cape Town Cycle Tour in order to raise funds for student bursaries.

“There’s great need and we don’t always best understand where that need is exactly. It is to raise the profile and the knowledge that our students do need support and they are worthy of support,” said De Villiers.

The #Maties100 campaign’s aim was to raise R1 million as part of one of the events to commemorate Stellenbosch University’s (SU) centenary.

So far, R101 780 has been raised. “We call it a commemoration, not a celebration, as we are aware of the context that SU was founded in; we are aware of the injustices of the past and we regret that. We want to be a future-focused university that is part of the restitution and development of our country. We are a university which is in and for Africa, so we want to do things which are important here.”

The campaign encourages students, staff and alumni to help students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, in terms of financial aid.  Everyone is welcome to join the team.

“I’m not going for a record time, the emphasis is on participation and eventual completion.”

The Cape Town Cycle Tour will take place on Sunday, 11 March 2018.

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