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By Amber April

In a bulletin released by Stellenbosch University (SU) on 21 July, SU’s independent Central Disciplinary Committee (CDC) announced that Theuns du Toit faced immediate expulsion from the university. This followed the disciplinary case that had been made against Du Toit, who was filmed urinating on the belongings of fellow Huis Marais resident Babalo Ndwanyana. Since then, it has been found that Du Toit appealed this decision made by the university. As such, Die Matie’s Amber April asked some students about their thoughts on the decision to expel him, Du Toit’s appeal, and the way in which the university handled the process.

Lwandisile Mhlanga Third-year BSc (Human Life Sciences) student 

Overall, how do you feel about the way in which the university handled the process?

“I am satisfied with the outcome, even though they took so long to make the decision. I am also interested to see how this appeal will turn out, but hopefully the expulsion is final, since the university was saying they are taking all necessary procedures to make sure that it doesn’t backfire.”

Stefani Terblanche Derdejaar-BA (Internasionale Studies)-student

Oor die algemeen, hoe voel jy oor die manier waarop die universiteit die proses hanteer?

“Ek dink die universiteit het alles baie vinnig hanteer. Dit mag dalk nie altyd so voel nie, maar daar is al hierdie sisteme in plek wat hulle tyd neem. Wat my wel irriteer, is die konstante ‘ons moet Stellenbosch transformeer’ en dan word daar absoluut niks daaraan gedoen nie. Of dalk net min. Dis frustrerend dat studente institusies moet herinner aan die veranderinge wat hulle so beloof om aan te bring – die universiteit moet self verantwoording doen.”

Danielle de Wet Second-year LLB student

How do you feel about the announcement of the expulsion of Theuns du Toit? Do you believe the process was fair and just?

“The process was utterly unfair, and the verdict by the disciplinary panel smacks of bias with little to no regard to the actual facts of the matter. I sincerely hope that the panel hearing the appeal determines the outcome in a reasonable and fair manner, and thereby proves to the university community that they will not submit to the radical and unfounded demands of the uninformed masses.”

Tapiwa Manda Second-year BA (Law) student

How do you feel about the announcement of the expulsion of Theuns du Toit? Do you believe the process was fair and just?

“I’m glad that Theuns got expelled, but I feel like it only happened because this story got a lot of media coverage. I’m not sure if the university would have come to the same outcome if it wasn’t so public. I have yet to see the university put all these new policies they have spoken about in action.”

Abenathi Sigaba Second-year BCom (Economic Sciences) student

Theuns du Toit has appealed the decision to his expulsion, what is your opinion on this decision? 

“I feel it is not contrary to any sort of legal policy which our country has as he has, the right to appeal, but I feel that it says a lot about his view of the whole situation and the idea of remorse and the understanding of the repercussions of his actions . . . . [F]or him to appeal says that what he did was not necessarily wrong, or at least to the extent of expulsion, which I tend to disagree with as well, as we all saw the video. We all know what happened. The university needs to be very firm in their stance and be very open about the fact that he has appealed it, and be open about the response to his appeal.”

Jeanette Roux Derdejaar-BCom (Regsgeleerdheid)-student

Hoe voel jy oor die aankondiging van Theuns du Toit se skorsing? Glo jy die proses was regverdig en billik?

“Ek voel die universiteit het die proses van Theuns du Toit se skorsing regverdig en billik hanteer. Hulle het hulle tyd geneem om ondersoek in te stel om uit te vind wat presies gebeur het en te verseker dat daar verantwoordelikheid vir hierdie afskuwelike rassistiese insident wat plaasgevind het, geneem word. Ek glo die publiek se uitroep het tot die aksie wat die universiteit geneem het, bygedra. Daar is steeds baie rassisme wat elke dag op kampus plaasvind, veral in die vorm van mikroaggressies, en hopelik sal dit met tyd heeltemal uitgeroei wees, maar hey, ten minste is ons een rassis minder nader aan daardie droom.”

Siviwe Kilana Second-year BScFor (Wood and Wood Product Science) student

Overall, how do you feel about the way in which the university handled the process?

“They handled it quite well, but I was just not happy with how they prolonged the process . . . . I was happy with the decision.”

Theuns du Toit has appealed the decision to his expulsion, what is your opinion on this decision?

“I feel like everyone has the right to appeal if they are not happy with the decision, but . . . given the evidence like the video, I don’t think the appeal will change anything.”

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