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Elrie Golach asked what students’ thoughts are on Woordfees.

Masake Maleka

BA (Humanities)

“Last year I had to attend Woordfees for my Afrikaans class. It was quite informative in the sense that I had to analyse how short films are made, and to my surprise I did have a lot of fun. I had this
perception that Woordfees is an all Afrikaans event, but was quite stunned by the amount of non-
Afrikaans shows there were. I will definitely swing by the Pulp, or wherever the short films are shown
this year.”


Max van der Berg


“Ek sal Woordfees toe gaan, want dis ’n manier van blootstelling, om mense uit hulle bokse te kry en
skep ‘n platform vir verskeie kuns vorme. Ek gaan, want ek hou baie van digkuns. Ek weet baie kuns
is gemaak deur ander om hulself uit te beeld maar die prikkeling daarvan laat toe dat jy ook jouself
kan uitbeeld deur hulle kuns. So, ek gaan gaan om ander mense se kuns te waardeer en om by te voeg tot my eie kuns.”


Wiann Bester

BSc (Menslike Lewenswetenskappe)

“Oor die afgelope drie jaar het ek nog nie baie Woordfees “shows” of so gekyk nie. Die interessantste
deel vir my, omdat ek nie baie lief is vir toneelstukke nie, is meer die musikale aspek van Woordfees,
veral as daar optredes deur bekende sangers is. Daar is wel baie om te doen, so my gunsteling deel sal wel wees dat Woordfees cater vir `n groot groep mense.”

Curtley Olyn

BAcc (Honours)

“I will not be attending Woordfees this year mainly due to academic reasons. I am not very passionate about langue and culture events. It’s not that a big deal for me honestly. I do not know what Woordfees is and I thought it was just Afrikaans, but even if it had other languages I still wouldn’t attend because I am not very passionate about culture.”

Masedi Maponga

BScAgric (Animal Science with Agronomy)

“I will not be attending Woordfees, mainly because it is not on my radar for socialising together with
my friends. None of my friends bring it up in conversations, so I actually forget about it. When I
think about it, I think it is ‘kinda cool’ that people would want to go watch the poetry, shows and
films. Correction, I think it is cool and I like that type of events – I just choose not to attend a lot of those kinds of events, such as Woordfees.”

Lara Eksteen

BSc (Menslike Lewenswetenskappe)

“Ek hou van Woordfees want dit stel my bloot aan `n omgewing wat regtig divers is. Ek is mal oor
die feit dat daar so baie goed is om te doen, ons kan teater stukke kyk, gaan draf, komediante kyk
ensovoorts. `n Groot deel van die rede hoekom ek Woordfees ondersteun is omdat hulle plaaslike organisasies wat minder bevoorreg is ook help. Ek sien baie uit om die “gees” te ervaar saam my vriendekring in `n gemeenskap opset.”

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