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Not only are more people starting to post Instagram stories to keep us in the loop about what’s going on in their lives, many students are also using this platform to earn extra money. Willow-Ruby van der Berg tells about these entrepreneurial students whose products add an extra flare to our cupboards.


Tassel earrings are dangling their way into our hearts at the moment as they are the perfect accessories for making a statement.

This is exactly why Nina Hornlein started @xfromtheheart where she sells her gorgeous hand-made tassel earrings and crochet tops.

After laying eyes on her crochet creations, you will also realise that crochet is no longer just something meant for your granny’s cupboard as it was a big trend at Africa Burn this year.

Do yourself a favour and get your hands on Nina’s tassel earrings and crochet tops as they are the perfect statement items for you to rock out at Rocking the Daisies this year.


For a long time, high-waisted pants were absent from the fashion scene and were only really prevalent in throwback 80s movies and thrift shops.

Today, however, they can be seen everywhere on campus and we would just like to say: “hi there, high waist”.

High-waisted pants are essential for creating those Pinterest ensembles and looking like a style queen on campus.

Lize Coetzee, a third year BCom Accounting student, started this wonderful Instagram page to spare us the trip to the vintage market at Trumpet Tree or Long Street’s pricey thrift shops.

You definitely don’t want to miss out on these little treasures, so give @hitherehighwaist a follow and look out for their posts.


You can trust in the talented Lara de Bruijn to make the stylish Stellenbosch University (SU) students go crazy over something as simple as a white t-shirt.

De Bruijn, a third year BA Drama student, or better known on Instagram as the @infamous.laradebruijn, decorates our plain white tees with unique drawings such as “Krida Fahlo,” “Donny Jepp” and “Antjie Krog”.

Plain white tees are such a classic fashion symbol that even a band decided to name itself after it.

Therefore, it is a must-have for everyone, but if you want to stand out in a sea of students wearing these basic white t-shirts, you’ll need to get one of Lara’s creations.


Scrunchies and head scarves are the new tiaras for SU students because they are such an easy way to add a pop of colour to your outfit and round off your entire look.

Of course, it can be quite difficult to find the perfect tiara for you without having to pay an arm and a leg for it.

This is exactly why we love the Instagram page @knot_forhair so much.

The page was started by best friends Elmé Oosthuizen and Alé Du Toit, who are both third year students.

They want to travel the world but need an extra few cents to make this dream possible, which is why they offer us these beautiful scrunchies and head scarves at reasonable prices. 

Not only are wraps a good choice for a light lunch, but wrap skirts and pants also make for enthralling clothing items that can make you look and feel like a fairy on campus.

Kristin Pienaar is a third year BA Drama student who started and makes elegant skirts and pants for all “shapes, sizes and seasons”.

In winter we tend to eat more rusks with our tea than usual which gives us that extra layer of protection against the cold.

There is no better way to hide the extra curves than these stunning wrap skirts and pants which are also much more comfortable than your usual skinny jeans.

Photos: Provided

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