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Prospective Maties visited Stellenbosch to get a taste of the student life at SU’s open day. Annerine Snyman asked some of the future Maties about their opinions of Stellenbosch and why they are choosing SU. Tivan Leak took  photos.

Shannon Govender – Durbanville

“Stellenbosch is a very lovely town, it is very student-orientated.

“I’m looking forward to it, if I do choose this university.

“It’s also a bonus that so many people from my school are coming here.”


Paul Rheeder – Nelspruit 

“Dis baie mooi hier, die omgewing trek mens dadelik aan.

“Baie van ons skool se mense kom ook deesdae hierheen, so dis reeds ’n voordeel.

“Die atmosfeer hier is ook lekker.”


Taahirah van der Fort – Mitchells Plain

“I like Stellenbosch and I think it offers a lot of opportunities, even if I don’t get into what I want to do.

“With regards to travelling, Stellenbosch is also the easier option for me.”


Tiaan Swanepoel – Montagu

“Stellenbosch lyk baie lekker sover.

“Dit is ’n baie mooi kampus en hulle sport is goed.

“Ek sal Maties kies, want die geografie departement is baie beter as enige ander universiteit.”


Onesimo Nogada – Khayelitsha

“Stellenbosch has more resources and I think it has more information than other universities.

“I also think most of the students that come from here get jobs or internships faster than other universities.”


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