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Lian van Wyk

Anthelia; the ancient ability to see angels. In the words of the Bottomless Coffee Band, “The ability to see the beauty in the people around us.”

In their latest full-length release, Anthelia, the South-African folk-rock duo offers their listeners something truly beautiful; eleven world-class tracks, carefully and masterfully wrought, to reveal the angels abiding within their creators.

Gourmet music. This is the term used by Lourens and Esté Rabé to describe their unique blend of acoustic folk-rock and afro-blues.  Not only do they make good on this claim; with thoughtful lyrics and heart-warming melodies, BCB expertly manages to evoke memories of warm summer nights, of good wine (or coffee) and of pleasant evenings spent with the people closest to our hearts.

“Shouting to the walls around your preconceived ideas,” sings Esté in the opening line of the first track, “Ashes to Ashes.”

With Anthelia, this is precisely what BCB is doing.

The album tackles issues like the inequality between man and woman, marriage and divorce and the broken systems we as humans live in with remarkable grace – presenting to listeners a different perspective on the world around us.

Never does it afford any opportunity for preconceived ideas to form around is authors; BCB constantly dumbfounds with their boundless ability to make damn good music.

Vir Afrikaanse harte bied Anthelia ook iets om oor vinniger te klop, in die vorm van twee kraakvars nuwe ballades. Met “Lig Wat Skyn,” voer Lourens luisteraars op die akkoorde van sy kitaar weg; weg na die dae van jonkwees en verliefwees, en vermaak hulle daar met sy glimlag en sy goue stem.

Esté betower weer met “Ek Sal Wag,” ‘n poëtiese melodie wat herinner aan die gloriedae van Laurika Rauch. Dit is die eerste keer wat BCB in Afrikaans te hore is en hulle het ons opgewonde vir nog!

“Our whole approach to this album was to create a piece of art,” says the couple on the first page of the album booklet (a very pleasant visual surprise). And a date stamp for who and what we are now.”

Since the release of their first album, Room With a View, in 2014, the band has toured South Africa, Namibia, Europe and the UK, bringing their music to people all around the world. That they have grown in this time is evident; it is the magnitude of this growth that astonishes. Their sound feels full and well-rounded, whilst remaining anchored in its original flavour, and their overall presentation exudes professionalism. In the space of four years, these people have turned into folk – Rockstars.

With Anthelia, the Bottomless Coffee Band has not only succeeded in creating a piece of art; they have excelled at producing a collection of music to grace our ears – to leave us desperately impatient, waiting on them to keep brewing.

Photo: Supplied

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