The heavy, humid air, hot summer sun and the catastrophic lack of a swimming pool… These are things that some Maties say characterise the days of the Stellenbosch University (SU) students. The Stellenbosch heat is overwhelming and undeniable while constantly being complained about. But besides bottomless iced coffee and portable fans, how can we combat this heat?
Some students argue that it’s been hotter than last year, while others say that 2024 boasted temperatures of 40°C for days on end. But, according to WeatherSpark, the average maximum temperature in Stellenbosch has consistently been around 28°C in the month of February for the past few years. Despite students’ opinions, statistics show that there haven’t been any drastic changes in the average temperatures.
It is almost guaranteed that each student has their own story about the class in which the air-con was not working. Sometimes, lectures were cancelled and students had to catch up in their own time (not ideal with A1’s being around the corner). Other times, students had to simply endure uncomfortably hot classes. The point of the matter is that SU isn’t keeping up with air conditioning maintenance as they should be.
Although the university has the potential to make the heat more bearable, it remains each student’s responsibility to take care of themselves during this time of the year.
Here are some tips from experts and fellow students:
- Drink lots of water! Bottomless iced coffee might be tempting, but caffeine is dehydrating.
- Plan your social events and outfits according to the weather. You don’t want to spend a day at the dam in your bikini when the UV is at its highest.
- Wear sunscreen! The World Health Organisation recommends taking precautionary measures against the sun when the UV level is above three.
- Make use of a fan. If you don’t own a fan (which would be crazy for a Stellenbosch student), buy one.
In the end, the Stellenbosch summer heat is our reality – we might as well learn how to cope with it. Before we know it, we’ll be walking to class with umbrellas and flasks of hot chocolate, dreaming about the days when our biggest problem was the sun.
By Chelsy Rickard & Jana Burger