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Academic weaponry: Where’s basecamp? “What is going on?” Are you lost or confused? Going out in Stellies? A few things to remember

By Ishmael Mabena

Hakeemah Matinka is the first Prim of the new Walter Parry House.
Photo: Supplied by Matinka

The Registrar has called for proposals to name Stellenbosch University’s (SU’s) two newest residences since 18 September 2024. Following the naming process, the Rectorate has now officially approved the names of these residences. The two new residences situated on SU’s north campus were named Khayalethu Residence and Walter Parry House respectively. The names were chosen after a process during which students submitted name proposals for the two new SU residences at the beginning of last year.

“Khayalethu” which in isiXhosa/ isiZulu means “our home” will serve as an undergraduate residence. “This name will enable a welcoming culture in the residence and will thus have a positive impact on all the newcomers and residents in general.” said Dr Leslie van Rooi, the acting Senior Director of Student A airs in a memorandum sent to relevant student leadership constituencies and SU departments. “Given the name they will thus feel welcomed in the space because, as the name says, this will be their home far away from home.”

Walter Parry House, SU’s newest postgraduate residence, is named after the late Walter Hazell Parry, who was a prominent mathematics and physics teacher at Lückhoff High School in Stellenbosch during the 1930s. During his lifetime, Parry faced racial segregation due to racist policies which prevented him from pursuing his studies at Stellenbosch University. As a result, Parry obtained a “person classified black or coloured” permit in order to study at the University of Cape Town under the apartheid regime.

The residences’ student leaders are thus tasked with setting the foundation, culture and identity of the residences respectively. When asked about the pressure of being the first Prim of a new SU residence Hakeemah Matinka had the following to say, “There’s a significant amount of pressure in being the first Prim of a new postgraduate residence. It’s a unique challenge because, unlike established residences, we don’t have a predefined culture or set traditions – we’re starting from scratch. My goal is to cultivate a space that prioritizes community, respect, and empowerment, ensuring that every resident – regardless of background – feels they belong and have a voice in shaping our collective experience.”

While Khayalethu residence recently welcomed its first year students during SU’s welcoming period, Walter Parry House will open its doors for incoming Wilgenhof first year students and House Committee (HC) members in 2025. “Hosting Wilgenhof temporarily is an interesting dynamic, and we recognize the importance of making them feel welcome while also establishing our own distinct identity. At the same time, we are actively building our own traditions and internal culture, ensuring that while we are accommodating, we don’t lose sight of our long-term vision as a postgraduate residence. It’s about striking a balance between hospitality and maintaining the values that will define our space in the long run,” said Matinka.

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