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The Stellenbosch University (SU) Library and Information Service has announced the new procedures for the use of library services from 6 July 2020 onwards. The new protocols act as preparation for the return of the first 33% of students to SU campuses at the start of the third term.

The SU Library and Information Service’s recent statement on their website outlines procedures that include the returning and borrowing of books, scanning services and interlibrary loans. The due date of the return of library books has been extended to 31 July 2020 and it is also possible to return books by making use of the drop boxes at the libraries’ entrances. Alternatively, books may be renewed online to extend their loan period or mailed or couriered back to the Library and Information Service.

With regards to borrowing books, staff and students who are able to come to the libraries may request items via “Ask a Librarian”, or by making use of the phone or e-mail contact details, all of which are available on the library website. The requested books will be fetched by the library staff, and the client will receive an email with the details of when they may come to the library to fetch the books. Physical distancing will be ensured by spaced appointments to fetch the books.

According to their website staff and students can request that printed articles or chapters from books be scanned and sent to them by e-mail via the same contact procedure. It is also possible to request printed material through Interlibrary Loans, by filling out the request form on the library website. There is an option to “Book a Visit” to the libraries to make use of the Short Loans collections and other non-loanable material. Services and access to e-resources are to continue online.

Furthermore, Ellen Tise, the Senior Director of the SU library, has elaborated that from 15 July 2020 the library will allow clients (who are part of the 33% who may be on campus) to use computers and spaces for study and research at the Music, Engineering and Forestry, and Medicine and Health Sciences Libraries. The number of clients allowed in each of the libraries at a time will be limited and clients will have to book 2,5 hour slots via the booking system available on the library website.

According to a recent announcement on the library website, from 27 July the library building will be available for up to 50 students at a time to use computers and spaces for study and research. Offering these services will similarly be done in strict adherence to COVID-19 protocols. No walk-in visitors are allowed, and the library opening hours are from Monday to Friday, 8:00 to 16:00.

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