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Get some fresh air on a Monday evening at Coetzenburg.

It’s time for Varsity Cup. Wear anything maroon to support the Maroon Machine. Arrive early to ensure you get a good seat and something to sip on. The first match is already this Monday.

Climb Stellenbosch Mountain (the actual mountain, not the pile of work heaped on your desk)

“Climb” is probably too strong a word as it is more like a hike. The route starts at Coetzenburg, at the field between the Danie Craven Stadium and the Coetzenburg Centre. Follow the path leading towards the mountain and keep right. There are many crests, so the level of exhaustion is completely up to you. The distance to the top is approximately 11 kilometres. There are of course excellent photo opportunities. Remember to drink lots of water and pack something to snack on.

JonkersHOEk (how, Cape Nature, how?)

At this stage, Jonkershoek is a bit of a delicate matter. Cape Nature is busy negotiating with regards to the parking area and cars will no longer be allowed. Yet you can still enjoy the waterfalls, peaks and other jewels tucked away in Jonkershoek.

Be brave and wait until 22:00 to uncover the library’s secret…

Yes, I know that studying in the library is not an outdoor activity, but the brain needs to be stimulated in other ways as well. Fresh air can only do so much. The library closes at 22:00 (later during exams) so try to stay awake for this at least once. That tutorial is not going to complete itself.

Take part in the Dagbreek Street mile

You don’t have to be part of the elite fit but everyone who participates are rather competitive. Take on Victoria Street and complete 1,6 kilometres. If you don’t feel like sprinting, you can always be a supportive bystander. The race usually takes place in March but check on Dagbreek men’s residence Facebook page or chat to anyone who has an Eiffel Tower on his jacket or shirt.

If you feel like doing a Parkrun, then you can either go to Root 44 or Franschhoek’s route. What is 5 kilometres between friends?

Sit in Jan Marais Park and update your Instagram

At the top of Victoria Street (entrance opposite Irene ladies’ residence) you’ll find this large park. There are many footpaths perfect for walking or jogging. Enjoy the serenity with some friends and take pictures. The US Botanical Gardens, near the conservatorium is also very peaceful. The coffee shop’s cheesecake is a winner.

Discover the G-spot on Coetzenburg

Shame on you. It’s part of the mountain bike trail. Even Nino Shurter and his friends braved these trails during the 2018 UCI MTB World Cup. There are routes for every level and you don’t have to be a professional but always take caution.

Watch a residence hockey match on the new and improved astro fields

No need to worry as there are floodlights for those late-night matches. These hockey players do not mess around so do support your PSO or residence during the summer and winter league.

Berg-en Trouklub  ̶̶  apologies to Johan and Van Zyl, I just had to. 

If you are an avid hiker or just a lekker person in general, you should join the Berg- en Toerklub (BTK). They keep themselves busy with weekend excursions throughout the course of the semester, as well as weeklong tours during the holidays. Husband or wife material is said to be found here if you are interested.

Raak bos in Stellenbosch


Kry vars lug op ’n Maandagaand by Coetzenburg.

Dis tyd vir die Varsitybeker. Trek enigiets maroen aan en gaan ondersteun die Maroen-masjien. Wees vroeg daar om ’n lekker sit­plek en ietsie vir die keel te kry. Die eerste wedstryd is hoekal al dié Maandag.

Klim Stellenboschberg (die eint­like berg, nie die berg studies nie)

“Klim” is dalk ’n bietjie sterk, eintlik is dit meer ’n staproete. Die roete begin by Coetzenburg, by die middelste veld tussen Danie Craven-stadion en die Coetzen­burgsentrum. Stap met die paadjie by die berg op en hou dan regs. Daar is baie kruine, so jy kan self besluit hoe moeg jy wil raak. Die afstand tot by die regte kruin is ongeveer 11 kilometer.

Daar is natuurlik uitstekende fotografiegeleenthede. Onthou om baie water en ietsie om aan te peu­sel saam te neem.

JonkersHOEk (hoe, Cape Nature, hoe?)

Op hierdie stadium is Jon­kershoek effens van ’n teer saak.Cape Nature is besig met onder­handelinge oor die parkeerarea en dit is moontlik dat karre nie meer toegelaat gaan word nie. Gaan ge­niet steeds die watervalle, Pieke en ander skatte wat Jonkershoek bevat.

Wees braaf en wag vir die bib se geheim wat 22:00 begin…

Ja, om te studeer in die bibli­oteek is dalk nie ’n buitelugak­tiwiteit nie, maar die brein moet andersins ook gestimuleer word. Vars lug bring mens net só ver. Die biblioteek sluit 22:00 (later tydens eksamen) en probeer ten minste een keer om wakker te bly tot dan. Daardie tutoriaal gaan nie vanself voltooi word nie.

Neem deel aan die Dagbreek Straatmyl.

Jy hoef nie topfiks te wees nie, maar almal wat deelneem is nogal kompeterend. Durf Victoriastraat aan en voltooi min of meer 1,6 kilometer. As jy nie kans sien vir sprint nie, kan jy altyd ander men­se gaan ondersteun. Die wedloop vind gewoonlik in Maart plaas, hou maar Dagbreek Manskoshuis se Facebookblad dop of gesels met enigiemand wat ‘n Eiffel-toring op sy baadjie of hemp het.

As jy lus is vir Parkrun, dan kan jy Root 44 toe gaan of Franschhoek se roete gaan aand­urf. Wat is 5 kilometer nou tussen vriende?

Gaan sit in Jan Marais-park en skerp jou Instagram op.

Aan die bokant van Victo­riastraat (ingang skuins oor­kant Irene Dameskoshuis) sal jy hierdie groot park vind. Daar is lekker wandel- en draf­paadjies. Gaan geniet die rustig­heid saam met vriende en neem lekker kiekies. Die US Botaniese Tuine, naby die Konservatorium, is ook baie ontspannend. Die kof­fiewinkel se kaaskoek is ’n wenner.

Ontdek die G-spot op Coetzen­burg

Skaam jou. Dis deel van ’n berg­fietsryroete. Selfs Nino Schurter en sy maats het die roetes aangedurf tydens die 2018 UCI MTB Wêreld­beker. Daar is roetes vir elke vlak en jy hoef nie professioneel te wees nie, maar wees altyd versigtig.

Gaan kyk ’n koshuishokkiewed­stryd op die netjiese nuwe as­tro-velde.

Daar is spreiligte vir daar­die laatnag-wedstryde, moenie bekommerd wees nie. Die hok­kiebokkies en -manne speel nie rond nie. Gaan ondersteun jou PSO of koshuis tydens die somer- en winterliga.

Berg- en Trouklub – jammer Jo­han en Van Zyl, ek moes net.

As jy ’n ywerige stapper of net oor die algemeen ’n lekker mens is, sluit aan by die Berg- en Toerklub (BTK). Hulle hou hulself besig met naweekuitstappies deur die loop van die kwartaal, asook lekker weeklange toere tydens vakansies. Trouvrou en trouman, enigiemand?

Simmer down in Stellenbosch

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