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Balancing your academics, social life and health is a tall order for most students, yet a small group of students manage to achieve the extraordinary: run their own business in Stellenbosch. Caroli Burger and Jessa-Lyn Matthews, two Metal and Jewellery Design students, are two of these inspiring individuals.

Both have a keen eye and passion for design and started designing for their friends and family. As best friends, they decided to merge and start a little business together to help promote each other’s work, and so Indi Cacti was born in July of this year. As avid festival goers and nature lovers, the name of their business and brand is a perfect match to their personalities and friendship. “Our logo came about from merging our illustrations together and we feel it represents us as people and how we would like to present our work,” said Caroli Burger, co-owner of Indi Cacti.

Indi Cacti designs are largely inspired by nature. They work with natural materials, crystals and gemstones and focus on highlighting nature through the use of these beautiful materials. The owners said, “We want people to feel positive, confident and radiant, something we feel jewellery has done for us.” Their class schedules are extremely busy and intensive, but they work on their business after hours and on weekends.

“We feel time management has been a key role in maintaining our business,”says Burger. As we all know, time management might just be every student’s biggest struggle, but doing something in your free time you love makes it worth it every time.“Our goal for the business is to spread good energy, make people smile and appreciate nature, as well as produce good quality, hand-made pieces that can be appreciated as artworks.”

Their business is still very new, but these two are extremely driven, excited to grow their business and spread their positive energy through nature and good design.

You can check out and order their designs on their Instagram page indi_cacti.

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