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Thomas Butler

On 6 March Stellenbosch University (SU) launched their new Vibrational Spectroscopy unit in the Central Analytics Facilities (CAF).

According to SU’s website, new possibilities for applications across a broad spectrum of fields like medical, safety, agriculture and food quality are now available for students, researchers and the industry in general through this world class facility.

The unit, in the Department of Food Science buildings, houses newly acquired imaging equipment which make the study of spectral differences possible to resolve many common day problems.

The National Research Fund made the acquisition of this new equipment possible through their National Equipment Programme.

At the launch prof Gary Stevens, CAF director, welcomed guests with the encouraging words, “I am very excited to see what we can get this laboratory to do in terms of research across a very broad range of fields.”

The entire faculty is very excited about the new equipment and Dr Janine Colling, manager of the faculty, invited researchers, students and academic institutions to use the laboratory and apply for a training workshop, scheduled for June.