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At university you will quickly learn that caffeine plays an important role in getting through those 8AM classes,  surviving the long nights before an assignment is due and of course, having quick coffee dates in the Neelsie in between classes. Elodi Troskie shares a few of Die Matie’s favourite coffee shop stops.

Hierdie koffiewinkel bied iets vir almal. Die winkel self is in Ryneveldstraat, waar hul sterk koffie, ligte etes en gratis wifi jou vir ure aan die gang kan hou.

Dié wat ’n dringende behoefte aan Häzz het, kan ’n draai by Pulp se koffietoonbank in die Neelsie maak, waar Häzz-, De Luxe- en Terbodorekoffie verkoop word. (Terwyl jy by Pulp is, bederf jouself sommer met hul springmielies
teen slegs R10).

Häzz is die perfekte plek om vir ’n uur of wat af te vat tussen klasse of voor te berei vir die tutoriaal klas waarvan jy die vorige aand “vergeet” het.

Blue Crane & the Butterfly
This one is located in Dorp Street, which is a little further away from campus, making it the ideal place escape the hustle.

Owners Mike and Chrisna started this coffee shop and restaurant in 2013 and take pride in making and baking all their products themselves, including roasting their own coffee.

Starting this year, they have a new student special on Tuesdays where students get 20% discount when showing their student cards.

(Top tip: be sure to try their banana loaf).

This is the perfect place for treating yourself to coffee and a healthy lunch when you have some time off.

De Warenmarkt
De Warenmarkt, on the corner of Ryneveld and Plein Street, is close enough to campus to easily pay them a visit in between classes, but stays open until the evening, making it perfect for an outing after class.

De Warenmarkt presents a large variety, providing something for everyone from morning to evening.

There is a bakery for breakfast, a restaurant for lunch, smoothies and a waffle menu for dessert, a De Luxe coffee station, an oyster bar and a wine bar.

The rustic, artesian interior and friendly staff makes for a cosy vibe.

Perfect for getting some work done during the day and staying for a glass of wine afterwards.

Kompanje Koffie
Dorpstraat se Kompanje Koffie is een van die nuwelinge in Stellenbosch se koffiegemeenskap, maar is reeds besig om ’n gunsteling te raak.

Die koffiewinkel is deur die Cronjé-broers, Hendrik en Johan, tot stand gebring saam met hul produksiemaatskappy, Cronjé Kompanje Productions.

Kompanje spesialiseer in hul sterk koffie (en mooi koppies) en bied gratis wifi: ’n ideale kombinasie vir koffieliefhebbers wat ’n plek soek om werk gedoen te kry.

Perfek vir ’n wegneemkoffie of ’n produktiewe koffieafspraak met jou om-te-doen lysie.

Located on the bottom level of the Neelsie, DCM is central on campus. Regulars to DCM will notice that they had a slight makeover during the recent holidays, but worry not: they still have their larger-than-life muffins as well as their delicious donuts. Be sure to try their iced drinks on those hot February days.

Perfect for grabbing a quick snack or coffee in between classes while walking through the Neelsie.

Photos: Elodi Troskie

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